Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Richard Coleman
Duncan Fraser
Kristin Lehman
Adrien Dorval
Ryan Kent
Charlton Heston
Film Details
Technical Specs
Six months after the death of his wife, Jake Barnes is attempting to put the painful past behind him with a new life for himself and his children in Quincy, a remote seaside village in Alaska. A former commercial airline pilot, Jake is doing his best to support his family by flying supplies to some of the more inaccessible locations in Alaska. In the midst of a heated family discussion with 13-year-old Jessie and 15-year-old Sean, Jake is called upon to fly emergency medical supplies to a tiny village. En route, his plane crashes in the high Alaska range, prompting his concerned children to personally embark on a rescue mission. Initially at odds with each other, Jessie and Sean soon find that they must learn to work together if they are to survive in the wilderness. With a poacher hot on their trail, Jessie, Sean, and the polar bear cub they've rescued brave the elements, encounter formidable obstacles and ultimately learn profound lessons about mankind, nature and the importance of family.
Duncan Fraser
Kristin Lehman
Adrien Dorval
Ryan Kent

Charlton Heston
The Philharmonia Orchestra Of London
Stephen E. Miller
Ben Cardinal
Gordon Tootoosis
Michael Bolan
Dirk Benedict
Vincent Kartheiser
Dolly Madsen
Thora Birch
Don S. Davis
Byron Chief Moon
Jordan Acomba
Michael Adams
Shelley Adams
Stuart Aikins
Scotty Aitken
David Aksey
David R Alexander
Dave Anderson
John G Anderson
Mary-gail Artz
Rick Ash
Chris Atkinson
Roger Barton
Becky Bates
Eric Batut
Travis Baumann
Wolfgang Bayer
Greg Beaton
Morgan Beggs
Denise Bell
Nick Bergstedt
Bethany Berndt-shackelford
Paul Berolzheimer
Michael Bethune
Stewart Bethune
Dean Beville
Dean Beville
Matt Beville
Guy Bews
Hans Bjerno
Colleen Black
Ron Blenkarn
Herb Bleuer
Rex Bonderud
Crystine Booth
Claude Bouchard
Ron Bowen
Anthony Brand
Rob Bredow
Patrick Brennan
Susan Brouse
Neal Brown
Brian Bruce
Gordon Brunner
John Buffery
Andrew Burg
Andrew Burg
Eddie Bydalek
Yves Cameron
Doug Carnegie
Robert Chapin
Michael Charbonnet
Jimmy Chow
James R Clare
Paul Claus
John Clothier
John Clothier
Barbara Cohen
Julie A Collens
Michael Condon
David Conray
Pam Cook
Marsha Craig
Aalexandra Crepeau
Bob Crockett
Douglas Curran
Scott Curtis
Andy D'addario
Tom Dahl
Brigitte Daloin
Gordon Robert Davis
Arthur Dejong
John Dekker
Jan Dennehy
Michael Diner
Mark Dionne
Richard Dobbin
Andres P Dominguez
Nancy Duggan
Dawn Dumas
Mark Dumas
Dave Dunaway
Jim Dunlap
Stan Edmonds
Marny Eng
Bob Ennis
Tom Evans
Jeremy Fairchild
Raymond Fairchild
Stewart Fairley
Ted Fay
Harvey Fedor
Jim Filippone
Bob Findlay
Arlene Fishbach
Scott Flavelle
Stephen Hunter Flick
Steve Foody
Glen Forrieter
Geoff Foster
Corbin H Fox
Peter Franta
Carol Fuchs
David Fulton
Ed Gale
Ben Gibbs
Gretchen Goode
Ricky Graham
Keith Grant
Marc Green
Brad Gri
Dan Groseclose
Paul Guenette
Dana Gustafson
William Haines
David Halifax
Lynda Halligan
Tom Hallinan
Shauna Hanna
Dean Hannas
Bill Hansard
Dorene Haver
W Hazard
Phil Hein
Mo Henry
Erich Hepnar
Douglas Higgins
Jack Hilton
Rob Hodgson
Jeff Hook
David Horner
Craig Hosking
Pierre Hubert
Ruth Huddleston
Shawn Hughes
Fred Hunchuk
Hiroshi Kan Ikeuchi
Celine Jackson
Andre Jette
Timothy Fitzgerald Joyce
Gloria Kaiser
Ken Kehrer
Larry Kelem
Dan Kessler
Richard King
Rob Kobrin
Nicholas Vincent Korda
Daniel Kramer
Burton Kuchera
Tedd Kuchera
Alexander Kutschera
Ella Kutschera
Sherman Labby
Doug Lavender
Catherine Leighton
Charles Leitrants
Eric John Lemay
Mark Lemmon
Carl Leveque
Gilles Leveque
Claire Lewis
Steve Lingard
Dean Lockwood
Jack Lopatinsky
Lisa Love
Phillip Lunt
Gregory Dean Makaroff
Gordon Mark
John Markel
Don Markese
Frank Maurer
Mark Mccracken
Kathy Mccurdy
Neil Mcdaniel
Linda Mckeever
M E Mcknight
Dan Mclean
Michael Mclellan
Gord Mcmillan
Sandra Mcneil
Barry Meldrum
Yvonne Melville
Jim Menard
Harry Miller
Reg Milne
Gary Minielly
Bren Moore
Gary J Morneau
Kevin Morneau
Gail Morrison
Timothy Moshansky
John Motyer
Robin Mounsey
Robin Mounsey
Gary Mountford
Paul Mulder
Scott Myers
Sylvia Nablo
Dan Nelson
Wendy Newton
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video January 21, 1997
Released in United States Summer August 14, 1996
Began shooting July 10, 1995.
Completed shooting October 3, 1995.
Released in United States on Video January 21, 1997
Released in United States Summer August 14, 1996