Surviving Christmas
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Mike Mitchell
Ben Affleck
James Gandolfini
Christina Applegate
Catherine O'hara
Nicolaus Esterhazy Sinfonia
Film Details
Technical Specs
Facing another Christmas alone, Drew Latham decides to go back to his idyllic childhood home to spend the holidays with family. There is, however, one problem: the people living there now are not Drew's family. Nevertheless, Drew has his mind set on an old-fashioned family Christmas, and the fact that the "family" in question, the Valcos, are complete strangers, isn't about to put a crimp in his plans. Offering them a small fortune, Drew bribes his newfound "parents" to let him spend Christmas in their home, pretending to be part of the family. Just when the Valcos begin to question if any amount of money is worth being dragged all over town on such traditional family holiday excursions as Christmas shopping and the requisite choosing of the Christmas tree, their eldest daughter Alicia comes home for the holidays, with no intention of adopting a new "brother."
Mike Mitchell

Ben Affleck
James Gandolfini
Christina Applegate
Catherine O'hara
Nicolaus Esterhazy Sinfonia
Precious Mccall
Sonya Eddy
Melanie Taylor
Bridgette Ho
John Bryant
Michael Patrick Bell
Phill Lewis
Jon Simanton
Kate Hendrickson
Amy Halloran
Tom Kenny
William Thomas
Bryan Fisher
Michael Kosik
Linda Kerns
Josh Zuckerman
Joan Blair
Angela Gacad
Stephanie Faracy
Kent Osborne
Allison Queal
Joel Prihoda
Troy Zestos
Bill Saito
Jennifer Morrison
Tangie Ambrose
Karen Furno
Anika Noni Rose
Hailey Johnson
Sean Marquette
Caitlin Ashley Fein
Amanda Brooke Fein

David Selby
Reynaldo Duran
Steve Seine
Kacie Borrowman

Udo Kier
Cynthia Marty
Joshua Siegel
Wynn Irwin
Peter Jason
Stephen Root
John Carter Brown
Bill Macy
Ron Karabatsos
Sy Richardson
David Atkinson
Tarek Abdel-halim
Stuart M. Abramson
Ben Affleck
Elton Ahi
Elton Ahi
Jonathan Aibel
Tom Ajar
Alexa Alden
Pedro Aleman
Michael Allegro
Jorge Almeida
H. Leah Amir
Faires K Anderson
Denise Anderson Poore
Ray Appel
Tammy Ashmore
Chet Atkins
Gala Autumn
Stuart Balcomb
Adam Barth
Billy Beaird
Joseph Beal
Jeremy Beiermann
Glenn Berger
Tommy Bernard
Craig Bernatzke
David Bernstein
Andy Bertelson
Juel Bestrop
Ralph Blane
Jim Boothe
Joey Box
Ben Brammeier
Julian Bratolyubov
Peter Breiner
Charles Brewer
Chad Bronson
Matthew Brookman
Brumby J. Broussard
Marcei A Brubaker
Ericka Bryce
Gary Burritt
Willie Burton
Matthew Butcher
Chris Butler
Robert Caballero
Michael Cahoon
Denny Caira
Jeff S Caples
Blythe Cappello
Jules Carideo
Robert J Carius
Donald C Carlson
Robert J Carlyle
Chay Carter
Sue Chan
Karen K Chang
Michael Chickey
Jack Clancy
Kaiser Clark
Doug Coleman
Doug Coleman
Eliza Coleman
Peter Collister
J. Fred Coots
John Costello
John Costello
Stella Christy Cottini
Paul Court
Joe Coyle
Jeffrey Cranford
Tracey Cratell
Natasha Cuba
William D'ambra
Michael D'imperio
Michael Damski
Donald K Davidson
Richard A Davis
Sandy De Crescent
Ron De Torres
Will Dearborn
Kent Demaine
Maria Devane
Jeff Dieter
Alan Disler
Karan Doherty
Roger Doherty
Danny Downey
Wileen Dragovan
Teresa Jaimie Drapkin
Dominic Dugandzic
Stephen Dullaghan
Chris Duskin
Randy Edelman
Randy Edelman
Rick Eggers
Harry Elfont
Harry Elfont
Andrew Ellerd
Chuck Eskridge
Sven E M Fahlgren
David Fein
Leslee Feldman
Jose Feliciano
Jose Feliciano
Ralph Ferraro
Marisa Ferrey
John Finklea
Lisa Fischer
Tom Fleischman
Rolf Fleischmann
Eric Flickinger
Diana Flores
Jimmy Flores
Trixie Flynn
Bill Fobert
Patrick J. Foley
Mary Jane Fort
Matt Fortlege
Steven Francis
Jo Dee Freck
Amy Frederick
Ron Fremstad
Wally Frick
Jeffrey Frink
Gretchen Gain
Tyler W. Gaisford
James Gandolfini
Patrick Garbutt
Terry Garcia
Soren Garcia-rey
Tony Gardner
Judy Garland
Rosemary Gearhart
Troy Gilbert
Haven Gillespie
Eric Glasser
Fernanda Gliatta
Antoinette Gordon
Matthew Gordon
Dale Grahn
Noelle Green
Kimberly Greene
Tad Griffith
Deborah A Hall
William G Hall
Caroline Hanania
Cicely Harris
Joshua Harris
Ed Hartman
Ed Hartman
Jennifer Helmuth
Leigh Hennessy
Adam S. Hernandez
David Hilker
David Hilker
James Hinton
James A Hogan
Aaron C Holden
Todd Homme
Lisa Hoyle
Bill K. Hoyt
Don J Hug
Loretta Huggett
J Paul Huntsman
John E Jackson
Terry Jackson
David Jobe
Jennifer Jobst
Fallon Johnson
Gordon Johnson
C David Jones
Richard Jones
Fred Judkins
Deborah Kaplan
Deborah Kaplan
Rosa Yang Kato
Todd Kaufman
Shane D Kelly
Steve Kierig
Gary E Kincaid
Josh King
Rodman Kiser
Jill Korengold
Robert Krzeminski
Michelle Kuznetsky
Marc Labeaune
Martha Lafage
Jani Lane
Barbara Lange
Elizabeth Lapp
Richard Lederer
Marc Leeger
Matt Lefevour
Rick Lefevour
Scott Leftridge
Rich Leonin
Lisa J Levine
Linda Lew
Marvin E. Lewis
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall October 22, 2004
Released in United States on Video December 21, 2004
Project was previously set up at Columbia Pictures.
Feature screenwriting debut for Josh Sternin and Jeff Ventimilia.
Released in United States Fall October 22, 2004
Released in United States on Video December 21, 2004