The Secret Land

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Comdr. Robert Montgomery U.s.n.r.
Lt. Robert Taylor U.s.n.r.
Lt. Van Heflin A.a.f.r.
Orville O. Dull
Capt. Harvey S. Haislip U.s.n. (ret.)
Bronislau Kaper
Film Details
Technical Specs

In 1946, the U.S. Navy launches "Operation Highjump" to explore and map the Antarctic region and, in the process, test men, ships and equipment against the harsh climate. Chester W. Nimitz, Chief of Naval Operations, directs the expedition. Three groups make up the expedition: The central land-plane group, headed by Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd, will explore and map the interior from a base in Little America, while two other groups will explore and map the eastern and western coasts. The teams must finish their work before the end of the brief Antarctic summer. In addition to scientific equipment and other supplies, the ships carry sled dogs to provide land transportation. At the equator, men and dogs who have never crossed the equator are initiated in humorous King Neptune ceremonies. When strong storms hit the ships in the southern hemisphere, many sailors are injured and several seaplanes are lost. The rough seas prevent the central group from landing at Scott Island, but despite this setback, the men onboard celebrate Christmas with a traditional dinner and gifts. The central group now depends on an icebreaker to cut a path through the ice pack in the Ross Sea to the Bay of Whales and the base at Little America on the Ross Ice Shelf. Meanwhile, the western group has reached Peter Island. From there, seaplanes scout the coast, where they find explorer Robert Scott's former camp. The progress of the central group is hampered by ice, and the submarine accompanying the ships is caught between two ice flows. The icebreaker returns to free the submarine, which is sent home. While the western group waits for the icebreaker's return, they observe and capture for further study penguins, seals and other Antarctic wildlife. When the central group reaches Little America, the explorers unload their equipment and, making use of the twenty-four-hour summer daylight, quickly build a tent city and airstrips. Admiral Byrd flies in on the first airplane, which lands perfectly, but the remaining planes must take off at night in order to beat an approaching storm. After the blizzard clears, ice is cleaned off the planes, and a man crawls down a shaft to an earlier base buried under the snow. The cold, dry air of Antarctica has perfectly preserved the supplies that were left behind. While mapping expeditions fly over the land, divers test cold-water survival suits in the frigid ocean. On flights from their base in the Bellany Islands, the eastern group spots Mt. Aramis, the only active volcano near the South pole, and near the Shakleton Ice Shelf, the explorers discover 500 miles of snowless land heated by warm water lakes, which they name Bunger's Oasis. The short summer is ending, and the fleet near Little America is becoming frozen in the ice. After the fleet is freed by an icebreaker, it departs, leaving behind Byrd and some volunteers to continue explorations by air. During the eastern group's mapping of the Phantom Coast, mountains made of coal are discovered. A crew is lost during one flight, and after a search of two weeks, the survivors are found. Three men die in the crash and one, badly burned, loses his legs to frostbite. The icebreaker returns to pick up Byrd and his men, and the successful expedition returns home, having learned much about this largely unknown territory.


Comdr. Robert Montgomery U.s.n.r.

Lt. Robert Taylor U.s.n.r.

Lt. Van Heflin A.a.f.r.

Film Details
Technical Specs

The Secret Land
Commanded by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who had famously explored the Antarctic many times already, the purpose of the mission was to train military personnel in polar operations, test cold-weather equipment, map the land, and study the value of the natural resources buried under the ice.
In an arrangement with MGM, the Navy also brought dozens of military cameramen and fifty cameras to document the mission. The footage, over 300,000 feet in all, was then edited into a finished film in Hollywood, overseen by producer Orville O. Dull, an MGM house producer who appears to have been producing his first credited documentary.
In the end, the expedition surveyed over 180,000 square miles of never-before-mapped land and explored 1.5 million square miles in all. The ice and cold are natural antagonists as well as objects of beauty in this film, and penguins are on hand to supply humor, but the cameras were also there for many unexpected dramas: a rescue of airmen lost for two weeks, the rescue of a Navy captain who is swept overboard when a line snaps, an icebreaker saving another ship from being crushed after it is enveloped by sea ice, and more.
There's also the discovery, by Navy pilot David Bunger, of the "Bunger Oasis," a vast expanse of blue lakes and snow-free mountains--sort of a Shangri-La in the Antarctic. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times in 1948, Bunger described his discovery: "When I first saw the land it was a dark patch that might have been a distant mountain, and I thought it must be a mirage. There are many optical illusions of that sort in the polar regions. Within a half hour of flying we knew that it was real, but incredible at the same time."
MGM got three movie stars to provide the narration, billed as Cmdr. Robert Montgomery U.S.N.R., Lt. Robert Taylor U.S.N.R., and Lt. Van Heflin A.A.F. (Ret.). The Secret Land was very well received by critics and was popular at the box office; for many viewers, this was the first time they had seen the Antarctic in color. In a winking nod to a shared maritime theme, The Secret Land opened in some theaters on a double bill with Luxury Liner (1948), a musical with George Brent and Jane Powell.
By Jeremy Arnold

The Secret Land
The film begins with the following written foreword: "We gratefully acknowledge our indebtedness to the U.S. Navy which made possible the presentation of this authentic film of the Navy's recent expedition 'Operation Highjump' to the Secret Land of Antarctica." The narration notes that the sequence of events as portrayed in the film was slightly rearranged for clarity. A December 1947 Hollywood Reporter item indicates M-G-M cartoonist Fred Quimby directed the creation of animated maps and charts for "explanatory sequences" in the picture. According to an article in The New Statesman and Nation, Admiral Byrd's fourth Antartic expedition involved thirteen vessels, 4,000 men and 50 cameras. This film won an Academy Award for Best Documentary.