Alvarez Kelly

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Edward Dmytryk
William Holden
Richard Widmark
Janice Rule
Patrick O'neal
Victoria Shaw
Film Details
Technical Specs

During the Civil War, when the Union Army is trying to starve the people of Richmond into submission, renegade adventurer Alvarez Kelly delivers a herd of 2,500 cattle to U. S. Army Maj. Albert Stedman at a Virginia plantation. But Confederate guerrilla Tom Rossiter wins the aid of the plantation owner's daughter, Charity Warwick, in devising a way to steal the herd for the South. Kelly is coerced to aid in the plot when Rossiter kidnaps him, shoots off one of his fingers, and threatens to continue unless he cooperates. Although Kelly agrees to teach the Confederates how to handle cattle, he secretly arranges for Rossiter's reluctant girl friend, Liz Pickering, to escape from the South on a blockade runner. Despite the bitter hatred between the two men, the raid on the Warwick plantation is successful. But the problem then becomes one of transporting the cattle over a bridge which Stedman has fortified with 500 soldiers. Unable to bypass the bridge, Kelly stampedes the cattle into the Union lines. A bloody and disorganized battle follows, during which Kelly risks his life to rescue a Confederate officer and Rossiter shoots one of his own men who has turned against Kelly. When the herd is safely across the bridge, Rossiter frees Kelly to go his own way.


Edward Dmytryk

William Holden

Richard Widmark
Janice Rule

Patrick O'neal

Victoria Shaw
Roger C. Carmel

Richard Rust

Arthur Franz

Donald Barry
Duke Hobbie

Harry Carey Jr.
Howard Caine
Mauritz Hugo
G. B. Atwater
Robert Morgan
Paul Lukather
Stephanie Hill
Indus Arthur
Clint Ritchie
Gene Anderson Jr.
Ira Anderson Jr.
Dorothy Andre
Elliott Arnold
Seth Banks
Frank Baur
Duke Callaghan
Franklin Coen
Franklin Coen
Lambert Day
Joe De Martini
John Green
John Green
Franklin Hansen
Morris Hoffman
Virginia Jones
Werner Keptler
Harold F. Kress
Ben Lane
Lee Lukather
Joseph Macdonald
Kathleen Mccandless
Johnny Mercer
Andy Payne
Don Record
Charles J. Rice
Sol C. Siegel
Sol C. Siegel
Walter M. Simonds
Roger Smedley
Homer Van Pelt
Stan Wetzel
Joe Yrigoyen

Film Details
Technical Specs

Alvarez Kelly
Alvarez Kelly was William Holden's first picture after a two-year absence from the screen. By then his drinking problem was well known to everyone in Hollywood, and director Edward Dmytryk, who only worked with Holden once before (when he was a bit player in Million Dollar Legs, 1939), had misgivings. Holden had concerns about his director too. Dmytryk was considered one of the industry's hottest young directors in the late 1940s, especially after the dark, intense thriller Crossfire (1947), a story of murder and racial tension. But his rising career was damaged by the infamous House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) investigations of communist activity in Hollywood. A longtime political leftist who was briefly a Communist Party member during World War II, Dmytryk refused to cooperate with the committee. He became part of what was known as the unfriendly "Hollywood Ten," a group of writers and directors who refused to give testimony before Congress and had their careers disrupted or ruined as a result. After spending several months in jail, Dmytryk decided to renounce his former party ties and testified again before HUAC, this time naming names. Many in Hollywood never forgave him for that, and although he always expressed his belief that he had done the right thing, his decision cast a shadow over the rest of his career. Later in life, he gave up directing altogether and became a film professor, first at the University of Texas at Austin and later at the University of Southern California. He wrote several books on filmmaking and two volumes of memoirs before his death in 1999.
Politics didn't get in the way of William Holden and Richard Widmark's friendship during the making of the picture, although it certainly could have. Widmark was a staunch liberal Democrat who considered Holden a rather staid Establishment conservative (except when he had a few drinks and started laughing and flirting with the girls). The two men, loners at heart, often indulged in some alcohol-fueled benders during the location shooting in Louisiana, although Widmark was generally more in control and watchful of the reckless, hard-drinking Holden.
Holden was an unending source of problems during production. He never failed to show up for work, but most mornings he arrived badly hungover with bloodshot eyes and a puffy face. He was often unable to remember his lines, so Dmytryk was forced to shoot around him or reduce his scenes to very short takes. He also contracted salmonella in Louisiana, and production was suspended for six weeks as a result. But Widmark always had the greatest affection for him, and the feeling was apparently mutual - although sometimes oddly expressed. When Widmark got the flu and was confined to his hotel room, Holden recalled that his friend had once played the drums, so he bought him a snare drum to occupy him during his recovery. "That four months of being constantly together on a film location was the equivalent of ten or fifteen years of friendship," Widmark later told Holden's biographer Bob Thomas.
Producers: Sol Siegel, Ray David
Director: Edward Dmytryk
Screenplay: Elliott Arnold, Franklin Coen
Cinematography: Joseph MacDonald
Editing: Harold F. Kress
Production Design: Walter M. Simonds
Original Music: Johnny Mercer, Johnny Green
Principal Cast: William Holden (Alvarez Kelly), Richard Widmark (Col. Tom Rossiter), Janice Rule (Liz Pickering), Patrick O'Neal (Major Albert Steadman), Victoria Shaw (Charity Warwick), Roger C. Carmel (Captain Angus Ferguson), Arthur Franz (Captain Towers), Harry Carey, Jr. (Corporal Peterson), Richard Rust (Sergeant Hatcher).
C-110m. Letterboxed.
by Rob Nixon

Alvarez Kelly
Now the main thing to remember is...cattle are like women. Sometimes you have to be firm with them. Sometimes you have to be gentle. And sometimes you have to give them a slap on the rump.- Alvarez Kelly
You disappoint me, Mr. Kelly. After what happened to your home, I should think your sympathies would be with us.- Charity Warwick
I have no sympathies, only instincts. And they shy away from losers.- Alvarez Kelly
You used to have ten fingers. Now you have nine. Tomorrow, you'll have eight. You stay stubborn, the day after that then you'll have seven. The day after's up to you. You decide whether you want to end up with a pair of stumps...or lend us your talent. You decide.- Col. Tom Rossiter
Money, whiskey and women... your three deities. Tell me something, Mr. Kelly. Have they made you a happy man?- Maj. Albert Stedman
No, but not as miserable a one as you.- Alvarez Kelly
Location scenes filmed in and around Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States October 1966
Released in United States Fall October 6, 1966
Released in United States on Video May 11, 1994
Released in United States October 1966 (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
Released in United States Fall October 6, 1966
Released in United States on Video May 11, 1994