Josie and the Pussycats
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Harry Elfont
Tara Reid
Rachael Leigh Cook
Seth Green
Alan Cumming
Parker Posey
Film Details
Technical Specs
Josie, Melody and Val are life-long friends from Riverdale determined to take their band out of the garage and into the stratosphere--while staying true to their own look, style and sound. Neither their look nor their sound is trendy, but they mean every word they sing. And when nobody shows up at their gigs, they understand that real musicians have to pay their dues. Unfortunately, the Pussycats live in a glitz-obsessed world where trends change every week, and status symbols rule. Then one day everything changes. Josie and the Pussycats are "discovered" by hot-shot manager Wyatt Frame who presents them to MegaRecords CEO Fiona as the next best thing, and instantly positions them for success beyond their wildest dreams. Within days, they have a number one single in the country, everyone is wearing cat ears and they are swarmed by fans. But soon they learn that Fiona and Wyatt have devised a high-tech scheme to control the youth of America through subliminal messages in songs--their songs.
Tara Reid
Rachael Leigh Cook

Seth Green
Alan Cumming
Parker Posey
Rosario Dawson
Gabriel Mann
Paulo Costanzo
Missi Pyle
Tom Butler
Faedragh Carpenter
Justin Chatwin
Marites Pineda
Kimberly Rimer
Corinne Reilly
Marnie Alton
Katharine Isabelle
Aeja Goldsmith
Nicole Fraissinet
Jessica Murdoch
Juliana Wimbles
Zak Santiago
David Kopp
Sean J Dory
Heather Robertson
Hiro Kanagawa
Kurt Max Runte
Claude De Martino
Colin Foo
Balinder Johal
Enuka Okuma
Clay St Thomas
Erin Fitzgerald
Linda Ko
Serena Altschul
Mark Seliger
Jann T Carl
Stuart Lilley
Chris Lovick
Natalye Vivian
Karalee Paterson
Carson Daly
Aries Spears
Dion Johnstone
Harry Elfont
Tamara Taggart
Anthony Creery
J.r. Bourne
Shayn Solberg
Harmoni Everett
Kris Pope
Kevin Bergsma
Todd Talbot
Craig Taylor
Paul Becker
Jay Williams
Russ Leatherman
Alexander Martin
Donald Faison
Breckin Meyer
Jennifer Silvertand
Claude Demartino
Sally Hershberber
Jann T Carl
Mark Seliger
Jack Ahnert
Stuart Aikins
Serena Altschul
Andy Amoroso
Guillaume Apollinaire
John Arrufat
Rey Astrnomo
Mark Aviss
Mark Aviss
Cary Ayers
Carol Bailey
Jim Barber
William Barbera
Kim Barker
Paul Barry
Eric Batut
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Kenny Becker
Jordan Benwick
Dena Berman
Samantha Bishop
Richard Boehm
Melanie Boettcher
Bruce N Borland
David Boulton
Michael Bowers
Jack Boyle
Janie Bradford
Robert Brady
Jim Brebner
Toby Britten
Janette Brown
Jason Brown
Cheryl Buckman
Peter Bufano
Gavin Buhr
Paul Burger
Neil Burroughs
Silver Butler
Jake Callihoo
Jann T Carl
Chris Carpenter
Jennifer Casey
Neils Casson
Alex Chalmers
John Choi
Jimmy Chow
Dwayne Choy
Rita Ciccozzi
Rene Clark
Jessica Clothier
John Clothier
Mike Colomby
David Cooper
Richard Corwin
Sean Cossey
Anne Couk
Kelly G Crawford
Susan Crawford
Anthony Creery
Anthony Creery
Candace Cruikshank
Frank A Cuomo
Hoyt S. Curtin
Scott Curtis
Rosalina Da Silva
Luisa Dal Magro
Jason Dale
Mary Ellen Dale
Crystal Dalman
Carson Daly
Bryan Daubney
Sandy De Crescent
Greg Dennen
Tony Derosa-grund
Paul Dibartolo
Dragon Dionne
Ian Doig
Kyle Doig
Jennifer Donaldson
Byron Drinkle
Rick Dugdale
Mark Dumas
Adam Duritz
Syd Dutton
Phaedra Eccleston
Kenneth Edmonds
Kenneth Edmonds
Tracey Edmonds
Randy Egan
Michael Eisenstein
Harry Elfont
Harry Elfont
Christopher Elke
Joann Ellis
Marny Eng
Jason England
Leesa Evans
Kevin Fair
Jason Falkner
Harvey Fedor
Pamela Ferrari
Ivan Fish
Michaela Fitzpatrick
Julie Fontaine
China Forbes
Ross Framo
Guliano Franco
Cameron Frankley
Giselle Fredette
Louis Freese
John C Frizzell
Mark Gamache
Carolyn Garcia
Roland Gervais
David Gibbs
Grace Gilroy
Grace Gilroy
Dee Dee Gipson
Cory Glass
Jason Glass
Jon Goldwater
Richard Goldwater
Richard Goldwater
Jeff Gomillion
Maria Gonzalez
Berry Gordy
Robert D Graham
Johnny Greenan
Howard Greenfield
Jean-luc Grenier
Chuck Grimes
Wilf Guttmann
Simon C Hall
Kay Hanley
Kay Hanley
Joseph Hanna
Shane Harvey
Tim Haughian
Kevin Haverty
Chalane Hayward
Jeffrey Allen Hearn
Roberta Henriksen
Sally Hershberber
Dean Heselden
Wendy Hoffmann
Adam Andrew Hogarth
Dianne Holme
Dave Hospes
Johanne Hubert
Sally Hudson
Kelvin Humenny
Michelle Hunter
Steve Hurley
Solombra Ingram
Randy Jablonka
Doug Jackson
Matt Jackson
Gaetan Jalbert
Wayne Johnson
Doc Kane
Deborah Kaplan
Deborah Kaplan
Nina Kawasaki
Mark Kenaston
Kristene Kenward
Phil Kieran
Andrew Kinney
Rick Kline
Andy Koessler
Randy Koyanagi
Michael Kuehn
Michelle Kuznetsky
Larry Lam
Jason B. Landels
Virginia Landis Albertson
Michael Langlois
Viktoria Langton
Thomas M. Lauderdale
J Todd Lawley
Lynn Ledgerwood
Catherine Leighton
Joey Levy
David Lewis
Matthew Libatique
Matthew Libatique
Julian Lloyd
Wayne Lloyd
Brad Loree
David Lourie
Kristina Lyne
Grace Macleod
Richard Malzahn
Michael Mark
Laurie Marsh
Fumi Mashimo
Annette Mccaffrey
Shannon Mcfarlane
Kelvin Mcilwain
Jerry Mclaughlin
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring April 11, 2001
Released in United States on Video August 14, 2001
Based on the Hanna Barbera animated T.V. series "Josie and the Pussycats" which ran on CBS from 1970-1976, created by John and Richard Goldwater.
Rachael Leigh Cook reportedly received $1,000,000 for her role as Josie.
Rachael Leigh Cook reportedly received $1,000,000 for her role as Josie.
Began shooting August 21, 2000.
Completed shooting October 26, 2000.
The musical group TLC's Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopes was at one time mentioned for the role of Valerie.
Released in United States Spring April 11, 2001
Released in United States on Video August 14, 2001