The Haunting
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Jan De Bont
Liam Neeson
Catherine Zeta-jones
Owen Wilson
Lili Taylor
Bruce Dern
Film Details
Technical Specs
Hill House was built 130 years ago by a textile baron for his wife and children that they would never have. Instead it was filled with stories of tragedy and ominous tales of death that left the house uninhabited...or so it seemed. A century later, Dr. David Marrow discovers the house and, intrigued by its history, he invites three of his patients to the house as part of a sleep disorder study. Theo, Luke and Nell come to the sudden realization that sleep will not be on the agenda when ghosts of the past manifest in terrifying visitations and the house seems to take a particularly strong interest in Nell as Dr. Marrow's study evolves into an examination of human fear.
Jan De Bont

Liam Neeson
Catherine Zeta-jones
Owen Wilson
Lili Taylor

Bruce Dern
Mary Mcneal
Jessica Evans
Todd Field
Sherry Lynn
Kelsey Mulrooney
Larry A Cornick
Saul Priever
Michael Cavanaugh
Alix Koromzay
Hannah Swanson
Kyle Mcdougle
Charles Gunning
Brandon Jarrett
Tom Irwin
Courtland Mead
Hadley Eure
Kadina Halliday
Bill Minkin
Alessandra Benjamin
Mc Gainey
Virginia Madsen
Miles Marsico
Debi Derryberry
Marian Seldes
Karen S Gregan
Ruben Abarca
Gunnar Ahmer
Tanaz Akhlaghi
Kimberly Allen
Simon Allen
Alexander Altrocchi
Alan C Alvarado
David Amborn
Colin Anderson
Colin Anderson
Charlie Araki
Fred Arbegast
Susan Arnold
Roberto Arredondo
François Audovy
Michael Axinn
Chet Badalato
Matt Baer
Sandina Bailo-lape
Dana Baker
Kent Baker
James Barber
Jennifer Barin
Leslie Barnett
Christopher Barron
John Bartle
Art Bauer
Greg Bauer
Greg Baumgarten
Sharon Bayle
Bob Bayless
Chris Beanes
Tony Bell
Ken Bellanca
Lloyd Bernberg
Sandy Berumen
John Bill
Jean Black
Peter Bloor
Daniel Myers Boone
Mauro Borrelli
Bruce Botnick
Alan Boucek
Ronald Bouma
Danny Brazen
Elena Holden Bress
Robert A Bress
Candace Brokaw
Peter Brown
Wesley Burian
Michael E Burke
Gary Burritt
Cathy Burrow
Dave Buswell
Richard Byard
Bonjin Byun
Mario Capellari
Cindy Carr
Bryan Carroll
Jo Carson
Bernard O Ceguerra
Gimo Chanphianamvong
Merrick Cheney
Marc Chu
Blair Clark
Marilyn Clarke
Matt Codd
Adrian Colbert
Christophe Collet
John T Connor
Robert Consing
Steve Cook
Loren Corl
Carol Corwin
Judith A. Cory
Alexander Courage
Patrick Crane
Andy Crawford
John Crimmins
Gino Crognale
Mike Cuevas
Ann Culotta
Virginie Michel D'annoville
Jon Danniells
Kathleen Davidson
Craig Davies
Craig Davis
Phyllis Davis
Tim A Davison
Christal Dawn
Jan De Bont
Sandy De Crescent
Alessandra De Souza
Ric Delgado
Paul Demarte
Brian Demski
Robert E Denne
Robert Deschane
Maria Devane
Dhamarata G. Dhiensuwana
Perry Dodgson
Andrea Dopaso
Robert Dorsey
Kirsten Drummond
Tony Eckert
Teresa Eckton
Jared Eddo
Whitney Eldridge
Joy Ellison
Nousha Emami
Scott England
John W Enoch
Doug Epps
Colin Epstein
Sam Escobar
Frank Eulner
Andy Evans
Marty Ewing
Marty Ewing
Bill Eyler
Sven E M Fahlgren
Ricky Farns
Scott Farrar
Patricio M Farrell
Mark Fattibene
Dan Feinstein
Robert Fernandez
Gary C. Ferraro
Rick Fichter
James Flux
Lynda Foote
Robert G Forrest
Dean Foster
Page Frakes
Erica Frauman
Howard Frazier
John Frazier
Tom Frazier
Joel Friesch
Steve Frohardt
Mark Gault
Stephen Gerardin
Steve Ginsberg
Jerry Goldsmith
Barry E Golob
Charles Granich
Vanessa Grayson
Jonathan Greber
Heather Green
Noelle Green
Michael Greene
Kate Grimble
Scott Guitteau
Giselle Gurza
Martin Gutteridge
Darrell Hall
Ken Hall
Joseph Hamdorf
Joseph Hanes
Michael Hansen
Andrew Hardaway
Charlie A Harring
Stan Harrison
William Hawkins
Bruce Hayes
Craig Hayes
Gordon Hayman
Jacinta Hayne
Rawdon Hayne
James Hegedus
Joe Henke
Ian K Henrich
Tulio Hernandez
Gael Higgins
Karen D Higgins
Matt Hightower
Blake Hill
Loren Hillebrand
Randi Hiller
David Hisanaga
Philip Ho
David Holden
Aaron Holly
Marty Holthaus
Garrett Honn
Neal Hoover
Deborah Hopper
Michael House
Jaynee Howe
Luis Hoyos
Karyn L. Huston
Gary Hutchings
Laurence Hyman
Garrett Immel
Eric Ingerson
Marc Irvin
Mark Irvin
Kevin Lamont Jackson
Shirley Jackson
Matt Jacobs
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer July 23, 1999
Released in United States on Video November 23, 1999
Shirley Jackson's novel "The Haunting of Hill House" was previously adapted to film as "The Haunting" (USA/UK/1963), directed by Robert Wise and starring Julie Harris and Claire Bloom.
Cinematographer Caleb Deschanel was previously attached.
Project was previously in development with Lee Caplin's Picture Entertainment Corporation and Avenue Entertainment.
Began shooting November 30, 1998.
Completed shooting April 9, 1999.
Released in United States Summer July 23, 1999
Released in United States on Video November 23, 1999