Deep Impact
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Mimi Leder
Robert Duvall
Téa Leoni
Morgan Freeman
Elijah Wood
Leelee Sobieski
Film Details
Technical Specs
After it's discovered that a comet is heading toward Earth, a U.S. spaceship is launched to blow it up. The plan fails, splitting the comet into two pieces, both hurtling towards different parts of North America. One is expected to trigger catastrophic tidal waves on the eastern seaboard and the other to create dense clouds of dust that could wipe out all life.

Robert Duvall
Téa Leoni

Morgan Freeman
Elijah Wood
Leelee Sobieski
Kurtwood Smith
Rya Kihlstedt
Frank Whiteman
Mary Mccormack
Ellen Bry
Cornelius Lewis
Amanda Brooke Fein
Christopher Darga

Vanessa Redgrave
Jennifer Jostyn
O'neal Compton
Lisa Ann Grant
William Fair
Alimi Ballard
Bruce Weitz
Charles Martin Smith
Mario Sereni
Charles Dumas
Rahi Azizi
Francis X Mccarthy
Cynthia Etinger
Jason Frasca
Michael Winters
Charlie Hartsock
Concetta Tomei
Laura Innes
Don Handfield
Una Damon
Suzy Nakamura
Jasmine Harrison
Betsy Brantley
Mark Moses
Benjamin Stralka

Maximilian Schell
Joshua Colwell
Merrin Dungey
Denise Crosby
Kimberly Huie
Kevin Larosa
Ron Eldard
Hannah Werntz
Mike O'malley
John Ducey
Leslie Dilley
Jon Favreau
Caitlin Ashley Fein
Katie Hagan
Nicolai Gedda
Tucker Smallwood
Derek Delint
Jason Dohring
Joe Urla
Alexander Baluev
Gerry Griffin
Stephanie Patton
James Cromwell
Dougray Scott
Gary Werntz
Blair Underwood
Richard Schiff
Philip Edward Alexy
Adrienne Anderson
Leah Anton
James M Arnett
Okan Ataman
Christopher Aud
Edwin Balmer
Eran Barnea
Kevin Bartnoff
Carol Bauman
Guy Norman Bee
Guy Norman Bee
Anna Behlmer
Jeffrey Benedict
Josh Bleibtreu
Kathryn Blondell
Stacey Board
John V Bonds
Judith Bouley
Tonya Bowen
Dennis Bradford
Joan Bradshaw
Barbara Brennan
Jeff Brewer
Billy Brooks
Jill Brooks
Phil Brotherton
David Brown
Richard Buden
Don Burgess
Donald S. Butler
Rick Canelli
Amelia Chenoweth
Ian Christie
Joe Ciccio
Paul Cichocki
Arthur C. Clarke
Tim Clevaland
Dr. Joshua Colwell
K.c. Colwell
Brian Conlon
Faith Conroy
Caitlin Content
Marc Cooper
Charlie Croughwell
Peg Cummings
C Marie Davis
Fon Davis
Larry Dean
Michael Degtjarewsky
Gregory Dehler
Mitch Deoudes
Leslie Dilley
Joe Dorn
Lori Keith Douglas
John Duncan
Russell Earl
D Scott Easton
D Scott Easton
Timothy Eaton
Robert M Edwards
Donald Elliott
John M. Elliott Jr.
Raul Essig
Skip Ewing
Michael Fallavollita
Scott Farrar
John Paul Fasal
Jay Fields
Patrick J. Foley
Jon Foreman
Joe Gareri
Anthony Gaudioz
Larry Gaynor
Ginger Geary
Bill George
Giuseppe Giacosa
Cara Giallanza
Eileen Godoy
Jeremy Goldman
Gary Goldstein
Bradley M Goodman
John Goodson
Eric Gotthelf
Ron Grafton
Gerry Griffin
Basil Bryant Grillo
Michael Halsted
Jason Hanel
Sean Hargreaves
Bob Harman
Michael Haro
Barbara Harris
Paula Harris
Jim Henrikson
Bryan Herb
Geoff Heron
Daren Hicks
James Dean Hicks
David Hisanaga
Thomas Homsher
James Horner
James Horner
David Horsley
Christopher Horvath
Bart Howard
Peg Hunter
J Paul Huntsman
Luigi Illica
Jason Ivimey
Alex Jaeger
Harry Jarvis
Derek Johansen
Allison Jones
Dr. Ken Jones
Tom Jones
Samson Kao
Sandra Karpman
Ira Keeler
Philip Keller
Gary Kosko
Luca Kouimelis
Ed Kramer
Michelle Kurpaska
Dana J Kuznetzkoff
Barbara Lacy
Tom Lamb
Hayden Landis
Michael Lantieri
Jennifer Law-stump
Larry Leahy
Skye Leslie
Janice Lew
Janet Lewin
Dawn Llewellyn
Dietrich Lohmann
Michael Lorenz
David Lowery
Dr. Chris Luchini
Joshua Lusby
Craig Lyn
Greg Maloney
Mark L. Mangino
Cherylanne Martin
Stuart T Maschwitz
Bill Mather
Richard F Mays
Laurie Mcdonald
Ken Mcgaugh
Mark Mcnabb
Scott Mcnamara
Suzanne Mitus-uribe
Terry Molatore
Danny Mudgett
Daryl Munton
Ruth Myers
Patrick Neary
Andy Nelson
George Nemzer
Andrew Neskoromny
Stuart Neumann
Walter Newman
Steve Nichols
Phill Norman
Thomas J. O'connell
William A O'drobinak
Khatsho Orfali
Lauren Page
Peter G Parise
Jayme S Parker
Walter F. Parkes
Eddie Pasquarello
Tom Perry
Alan Peterson
Patrick Phillips
Bruce Powell
Tony Preciado
Peggy Pridemore
Tom Priestley
Scott Prior
Giacomo Puccini
Jane Raab
Kevin Rafferty
Joe E. Rand
Denise Ream
J.a.c. Redford
John F Reynolds
Simon Rhodes
Rick Rische
Darin Rivetti
Dana Robin
Amanda Ronai
Robert Rooy
Alison C. Rosa
Jeff Rosen
David Rosenbloom
Kathy Ross
Lisa M Rowe
Bruce Rubin
Olivier Sarda
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the 1999 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor (Morgan Freeman).
Released in United States on Video October 20, 1998
Released in United States Spring May 8, 1998
Director of photography Dietrich Lohmann died November 13, 1997.
Began shooting June 16, 1997.
Completed shooting October 24, 1997.
Released in United States Spring May 8, 1998
Released in United States on Video October 20, 1998