The Hunley
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Tony Cutrono
Armand Assante
Donald Sutherland
Caprice Benedetti
Jonathan Tindle
Kevin Murray
Film Details
Technical Specs
Set in 1863, the Civil War has ravaged the South and Charleston lays in ruins. A secret weapon, the first submersible vessel, is the last hope for the Confederates stranded within the Union's blockade. Previous attempts to use the submarine have failed, resulting in the death of twenty men, including the inventor Horace L. Hunley. The invention seems like a failure until young Lieutenant George Dixon attempts to commandeer the Hunley and strike a blow against the Union blockade. Based on a true story.
Armand Assante

Donald Sutherland
Caprice Benedetti
Jonathan Tindle
Kevin Murray
Michael Dolan
Jeff Mandon
Sebastian Roché
Dan Depaola
William L Thomas

Michael Stuhlbarg
Alex Jennings
Matthew Brady
Kevin Robertson
Chris Bauer
Laurie Beasley
Nancy Robinette
Bob King
Dane Ritter
Rhoda Griffis
Jack Baun
Jon Huffman
Paul Morella
Mitchell Hebert
Marty Lodge
Frank Vogt
Margaret Hungerford
James H Mayberry
David Dwyer
Gerry Becker
Frank Aalbers
Steve C. Aaron
Andrew Adelson
Tracey Alexander
Christopher Amer
Patricia Androff
Suzanne Angel
Marco Assante
Colleen Balance
Jack Ballance
Beverly Ballzigler
Roger Beaudoin
Bill Bell
Paul F Bernard
David Blackburn
David Bondelevitch
Michael T Boyd
Allison Brandin
Maryann Brandon
Cynthia Brenner
J David Brightbill
James B. Brothers
Robert Brubaker
Maggie Burback
Jeff Cannon
Renee Chamblin
Alan Chan
Tim Chilton
Ed Cofer
Phil Cohen
Dan Cornwall
Bob Costanza
Rick Crampton
Tony Cutrono
Alex Daniels
Eli Dawson
Karl Denham
Michael Dhonau
Mike Dickeson
Christopher Draper
Ann Dunsford
Sonya Duvall
Randy Edelman
Mitch Engel
Kelly G. Farrah
John Fasano
William Finger
Doug Floyd
Dale Fowler
Terri Fricon
Richard Futch
Mary Beth Gannon
Ray Giron
Mark Glaser
Jim Goldthwait
Mike Graham
Boucher Grant
John Gray
John Gray
Kelly Griffin
Shay Griffin
Gregory G. Hale
Tommy Harper
Barbara Harris
Olivia Harris
Pat Hash
Vanessa Hayes
Benita Hofstetter
Tim Hogan
Anton Holden
Phyllis Huffman
Daniel E Hydrick
Rusty Ippolito
Charles Ireland
Jeff Johnson
Christopher Jones
David Jones
Terry Kempf
Darcy Leslie
Kent Lidke
Joseph Litsh
Veronica Lupu
Mike Lutz
Michael Lyle
Gary Macheel
George Manasse
George Manasse
Brick Mason
Lynn Maughan
Mike Mcmahan
Robert A. Mcmahan
Bob Mcmillian
Mitchell Medford
Midge Mercer
Anne Miller
Jeff Moore
Stanley L Moore
Will Moore
Margaret Mullins
Jack Munn
Enrique Munoz
Peter Nye
Terry O'bright
Eileen O'connor
Luis Patino
Richard Payne
Charles Peery
John Perkinson
Blane Piper
Brian Pohanka
Dewey Preast
Alan Precourt
Mark K Ragan
Steve Rhea
Woodie Richardson
Michael Rizzo
Keith Rogers
Drew Ann Rosenberg
Jennifer Sadeghi-smith
Salar Saleh
Keith Sayer
Jill Schachne
Janeen Schreyer
Darrell Sheldon
Barnaby Smith
Roy Smith
Roberto Soviero
Rick Steele
Katherine Swanson
Blanche Sypher
Seth Tamrowski
Raymond Tasillo
Greg Teegarden
Fred Tepper
Tim Terusa
John Thomas
Lou Thomas
Rusty Tinsley
Kelvin R. Trahan
Rita Troy
Meni Tsirbas
James Dwight Tudor
Grant Viklund
Matthew Vogel
Sherry Walser
Steve Walters
Robert Webber
Scott Wheeler
Stephen R Wise
David M Wood
Stephen J Yetman
Michael R Zeigler
Dennis Zoppe
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Aired in United States July 11, 1999
Released in United States on Video November 23, 1999
Budget source: Daily Variety 04/06/1998
Estimated budget: $12,000,000
Began shooting mid July 1998.