James and the Giant Peach
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Henry Selick
Richard Dreyfuss
David Thewlis
Joanna Lumley
Susan Sarandon
Jane Leeves
Film Details
Technical Specs
James, a lonely orphan, is sent to live with his wicked and greedy Aunts Spiker and Sponge. Unwanted and forced to perform their menial chores, the boy dreams about going to New York City--a place, his father once told him, where dreams come true. Then James meets a mysterious old man who gives him a bag of magical glowing green things (crocodile tongues) and tells him that marvelous things will happen. Racing home, James accidentally spills the contents of the bag at the base of a barren old peach tree. To his astonishment, a peach instantly appears on the branch and grows and grows until it reaches 20 feet in diameter. Hungry and curious, James sneaks out that evening and takes a bite of the peach. When a glowing tunnel appears, the frightened boy ventures inside and meets Centipede, Earthworm, Ladybug, Glowworm, Grasshopper and Miss Spider. Rolling out to sea, the giant peach launches its passengers on a series of wildly imaginative adventures with New York City as their final destination.
Henry Selick

Richard Dreyfuss
David Thewlis
Joanna Lumley

Susan Sarandon
Jane Leeves
Tony Haney
Steven Culp
Mike Starr
J Stephen Coyle
Paul Terry
Michael Girardin
Chae Kirby
Jeff Mosley
Emily Rosen
Al Nalbandian
Pete Postlethwaite
Kristin Argue
Simon Callow
Cirocco Dunlap
Susan Turner-cray
Miriam Margoyles
Kathryn Howell
Mario Yedidia
Tony Accurso
Amy Adamy
Susan Alegria
Janel Alexander
Janice Alexander
Tim Alexander
Ted Alexandre
Robert Anderson
Robert Anderson
Scott E Anderson
Mary Andrews
Agamemnon Andrianos
Michael Arbios
Joshua Arsenault
Kelly Asbury
William Aylsworth
Bob Badami
Bill Ball
Leigh Barbier
Damon Bard
Thomas A Barone
James Beaumonte
William Beck
Dennis D Becker
Nikki Bell
Elissa Bello
Arnold Belnick
Peter Belohlauer
Michael Belzer
John Bermudes
Paul Berry
Paul Berry
J Chuck Biagio
Michael Bienstock
Wayne Billheimer
Beth Block
Steve Bloom
Steven L. Bloom
Chris Boardman
Chris Boatwright
Bill Boes
Robin Bonaccorsi
Steve Boswell
Lydia Bottegoni
Phillip B Bowen
Kris Boxell
Mitchell Boyce
Christopher Boyes
Karen Bradley
Reason Bradley
Steven Bramson
Shawn Brennan
Jeff Brewer
Jeanette Brill
Ron Brinkmann
James J Brosnahan
Phil Brotherton
Erio S Brown
Suzy Brown
Mark Buck
Steven A Buckley
Billy Burger
D Sean Burns
Reid Burns
Kent Burton
Tim Burton
Mike Cachuela
Jessica Ritts Cadkin
Aaron Campbell
Daniel Campbell
Kiki Candela
Rick Canelli
Stuart Canin
Cate Cannon
Tina Canny
Rocky Capella
Matt Carberry
Jesse Carlisle
Marsha Carrington
Jo L Carson
Louis Cetorelli
Louis Cetorelli
Audrey Chang
Brian Chavanne
Merrick Cheney
Jay R Chew
Curt Chiarelli
Sandy Clifford
Webster Colcord
Robert Cook
Robin Cooper
Noah Cornell
Jeff Crawford
Carolyn Crimley
Kendal Cronkhite
Lee Cruikshank
Maureen Crutchfield
Katya Culberg
Michael J Cumings
Richard D'angelo
Roald Dahl
John Daniel
Drew Davidson
Lisa M. Davidson
Denise Davis
Don Davis
Don Davis
Fon Davis
Heather Davis
Zack Davis
Sandy De Crescent
John Decker
Lisa Dempsey
Jeff Denes
Jason Dennis
Christopher Desmond
Cathy Deutmeyer
Lisa Devlin
Brian Dewe
Ron Diggory
Catherine Dingman
Judith E Disbrow
Rob Doherty
Richard Downing
Victoria Drake
Chuck Duke
Jake Eberts
Tony Eckert
Allen Edwards
Curran G Engel
Sean England
Alexis Engle
Jeff Enos
Shannon Erbe
Donelle Estey
Dominic Fidelibus
Michael S Finley
Robert Finley Iii
Mark Fiorenza
Ken Fischer
Lisa A Fisher
Geoff Foster
Lisa Foster
Suzanne Fox
Paula Frankel
William K Freeman
Steve Gawley
John Gazdik
Dennis Gehringer
Sari Gennis
Tom G Gibbons
Ray Gilberti
Aura Gilge
Joseph F Gilland
Christopher Gilligan
Loren Gitthens
Diane Godfrey-weinkauf
Ben Gold
Allen Gonzalez
Laura Graham
Robert Grahamjones
Jonathan Greber
Rebecca Greeley
Mike Grivett
J R Grubbs
Robin Gurland
Tim Guyer
Mark Hager
Andrew Haldeman
W Hamilton Hall
Jason Hanel
David Hanks
Rusty Hanson
Michael D Hardwick
Barbara Harris
Craig Harris
Lori Harrison
Jane Hartwell
Rosine Ace Hatem
John Hattan
Nancy Hayes
Jennifer C Hayman
Lee Henry
Gisela Hermeling
Matthew Heron
Arnaud Hervas
Jerry Hey
Andy Hill
Dick Hill
Robert Hillman
Loren Hillman-morgan
Timothy Hittle
Randy Hoffman
Larry Hoki
Tim Holland
Lawrence Hornbeck
Rebecca House
Jerold Howard
Peggy Hrastar
Josephine Huang
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Score (Musical or Comedy)
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring April 12, 1996
Released in United States on Video October 15, 1996
Completed shooting January 19, 1996.
Began shooting November 15, 1994.
Film is one third live-action and two thirds stop-motion animation.
Released in United States Spring April 12, 1996
Released in United States on Video October 15, 1996