The Devil Commands

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Edward Dmytryk
Boris Karloff
Richard Fiske
Amanda Duff
Anne Revere
Ralph Penney
Film Details
Technical Specs

Anne Blair relates the following story of how her father's name came to evoke fear in the people living in the small New England town of Barsham Harbor: Seven years earlier, Anne's father, Dr. Julian Blair, was a respected scientist and the head of a science department at a large university. One stormy night, Blair assembles Dr. Richard Sayles and four other scientists in his lab to demonstrate his latest theory that each human brain emits fingerprint- like brain waves. When Helen, Blair's wife, interrupts the demonstration to remind her husband that it is time to pick up Anne at the train station, the doctor enlists her as a subject, hooks her up to his electrical machine and traces her brain waves on the screen. After completing the experiment, the doctor and his wife leave for the station. Along the way, they stop to pick up a cake to celebrate Anne's birthday, and while the doctor runs into the bakery, Helen drives around the block and is fatally injured in a car accident. After Helen's funeral, the doctor, inconsolable over the loss of his wife, aimlessly turns on his brain wave machine and sees Helen's waves on the screen, which he thinks indicate that his wife has come back to him. When his fellow scientists are skeptical of his claim that communication can be established between the living and the dead, Blair scornfully orders them out of his lab. Karl, a simpleminded friend of the family, remains behind, however, and tells the doctor about Mrs. Walters, a medium who can communicate with the dead. Intrigued, Blair accompanies Karl to a seánce, and although he recognizes Mrs. Walters as a fake, he discovers that her brain emits high voltage electrical impulses that could act as a receptor for his departed wife's brain waves. The mercenary Mrs. Walters agrees to participate in the doctor's experiment for a fee, but when the experiment fails, Blair decides to add more power by hooking up Karl to the electrical circuit. Just as Helen's brain waves begin to appear on the screen, Karl collapses because the electrical current is too strong for his brain. Sensing that there is a fortune to be made if the doctor's experiments prove successful, Mrs. Walters proposes that they leave town with Karl and continue their work elsewhere. The next morning, Blair resigns from his post at the university, sends Anne away and moves to Barsham Harbor. When the doctor's secrecy creates fear and hate in the village, Sheriff Ed Willis comes to question him about the disappearance of five bodies from the local cemetery. After the doctor refuses to allow him to inspect his lab, the sheriff asks Mrs. Marcy, the doctor's housekeeper, to search the lab. The next day, Mrs. Marcy sneaks into the lab and finds five bodies encased in metal suits. When Karl unwittingly locks the door behind her, Mrs. Marcy panics and hits the electrical switches, thus causing a surge of energy that animates the bodies. By the time Blair reaches the lab, Mrs. Marcy is dead. Mrs. Walters takes the housekeeper's shoes and creates a path of footprints with them leading from the house to an oceanside cliff. When the sheriff, accompanied by Seth Marcy, the housekeeper's husband, comes to the house in search of Mrs. Marcy, the doctor claims that she has gone home. They then begin to search the countryside for her and follow the footprints laid by Mrs. Walters to the edge of the cliff. Refusing to believe that his wife plunged to her death from the cliff, Seth returns to town and publicly accuses the doctor of murder. Meanwhile, Anne, who has been summoned by the sheriff, arrives in town accompanied by Sayles. They proceed to the house and arrive just as the doctor is conducting another one of his experiments. When he hears Helen's voice calling to him, Blair increases the voltage to a level that kills Mrs. Walters. A pounding at the front door interrupts his experiment, and when he answers the door and sees Anne, Blair decides that she is the key to establishing a connection with Helen and tries to enlist Sayles in the experiment. Horrified, Sayles is about to leave the house with Anne when the doctor orders Karl to lock him up. As the doctor hooks up Anne to his corpse circuit, a frenzied mob, led by Seth, storms the house and heads for the lab. When he hears Helen's voice, Blair increases the voltage, causing the electromagnetic field to become so intense that it topples the house and kills the doctor. Freed, Sayles then runs to the lab and unshackles Anne from her iron suit.


Edward Dmytryk

Boris Karloff
Richard Fiske
Amanda Duff

Anne Revere
Ralph Penney

Dorothy Adams

Walter Baldwin

Kenneth Macdonald
Shirley Warde
Erwin Kalser
Lester Alden
Jacques Vanaire

Eddie Kane
Wheaton Chambers
Earl Crawford
Ernie Adams

George Mckay
John Tyrrell
Al Rhein
Harrison Greene

Photo Collections
Movie Clip

Film Details
Technical Specs

The Devil Commands
The fourth film in the series, The Devil Commands (1941), was directed by Edward Dmytryk, and for most Karloff fans is the favorite of the Columbia series. It features a believable motivation for its Mad Doctor antics, some moodily effective cinematography and special effects, a dark and menacing performance by co-star Anne Revere, and some genuinely macabre shocks compared to the mild horror of its predecessors.
Most of The Devil Commands unfolds as a flashback, as Anne Blair (Amanda Duff) tells the story of her father, Dr. Julian Blair (Boris Karloff), and his strange experiments in communicating with the dead. Seven years previous, Dr. Blair was a respected scientist at a large University. One night he gathers several fellow scientists together, including Dr. Richard Sayles (Richard Fiske), to demonstrate the results of his experiments which show that each human brain emits a specific wave pattern. Blair's wife Helen (Shirley Warde) interrupts the meeting, and Dr. Blair playfully has her don the helmet which, connected to exotic electronic equipment, etches her brain wave pattern on a screen. (Dr. Blair explains that women emit stronger signals than men). The Blairs leave to pick up their daughter Anne at the train station, but along the way Mrs. Blair is struck by a car and killed. Dr. Blair is devastated, and returning to the dark lab, he turns on the brain wave machine and Helen's pattern once again appears on the screen – he feels that she is trying to communicate with him from beyond the grave. Dr. Blair and his dimwitted assistant Karl (Ralph Penney) seek out a supposed medium, Mrs. Walters (Anne Revere). Although Blair exposes her as a fake, he discovers that her brain does emit powerful impulses and her body can withstand intense electrical stimulation; Blair wants to use her to create a powerful electro-telepathic circuit which will facilitate communication with his dead wife. The bizarre trio moves to the New England town of Barsham Harbor and set up their ever more gruesome experiments, which include freshly-dug local corpses wired into the laboratory circuit.
In his autobiography It's a Hell of a Life, But Not a Bad Living, Edward Dmytryk called Karloff " extremely thoughtful and unselfish person who made the whole effort worthwhile. A man of moderate height and kindly mien, he is the only actor I ever knew who could actually 'play it big' – physically, I mean – and scare you to death in the bargain." Dmytryk had little to say about the film itself, just that " gave me an opportunity to experiment with lighting and photographic effects." The director also discovered that a certain percentage of the public is simply not interested in films of the horror genre. "We sneaked The Devil Commands before a packed house in Inglewood [California]. When the main title, announcing a Karloff film, flashed on the screen, fully half the audience got up and walked out. It was a shock – until I realized that there were a lot of people who just didn't want to see a Karloff film, no matter how painstakingly it had been made." In spite of the audience reaction to this genre film, Columbia Pictures liked Dmytryk's work on it, and assigned him to helm more B-movies. "In the next eighteen months," he wrote, "I did a number of films for them – a couple of Lone Wolfs, a Boston Blackie, and a few others I find it easy to forget."
The "science" of The Devil Commands certainly does not hold up to any careful consideration. As David H. Smith writes in his article on the film appearing in Midnight Marquee Actors Series: Boris Karloff, "adding human corpses to the circuit channeled by Mrs. Walters to increase her telepathic receiving capacity makes for a terrifically ghoulish mise en scene, but it is not remotely logical." Fortunately, Dmytryk's film does not rely on its shaky science for impact; it works on the viewer on a more emotional and visceral level. In an article on Columbia's horror films ("Hail Columbia?" in Monsters from the Vault Vol. 2 No.4), John Stell observes "Whereas the other similar Karloff films had Boris obsessed with science for the sake of science, the connecting element of The Devil Commands is a man's love for his wife, something more understandable and sympathetic than the scientific double-talk offered by the other films. This focus has a much more emotional punch and gives the film a truly haunting quality that the other films did not possess."
Karloff may have been somewhat distracted during the filming of The Devil Commands, although it doesn't show in his carefully shaded performance. During shooting he had signed on with stage producers Russel Crouse and Howard Lindsay to star in his first Broadway production, Arsenic and Old Lace, written by Joseph Kesselring. Dmytryk indulged his star by rushing the takes on the final day of shooting so that Karloff could get to the airport to report for the New York rehearsals for the play, which was scheduled to open January 10, 1941 at the Fulton Theatre. The play, of course, was a smash hit, and undue comparisons may have contributed to the less-than-glowing notices that his latest Mad Doctor picture received when it opened less than a month later. The reviewer in the New York Times, for example, immediately holds the film up to comparison with the completely different stage show playing down the street, saying "if Hollywood, and the Columbia studios in particular, can't do any better by Boris Karloff than The Devil Commands, then it is much to be desired that Arsenic and Old Lace will keep that gentleman occupied on the Broadway stage ad infinitum. For never have we witnessed upon the screen such a hodgepodge of scientific claptrap as is represented by the film currently showing at the Rialto." In England, where the film was censored of some of the more macabre scenes as well as any hint of literal waves from beyond the grave, Kinematograph Weekly nevertheless called the film a "spectacular thriller" and said, "the opening sequences depicting the devotion of Blair to his wife and his reactions to her untimely death are tender, but in spite of introspective treatment, human values are eventually eclipsed by a growing catalogue of manufactured thrills. Fortunately the star is equal to all occasions."
Predictably, the fifth and final film resulting from Karloff's Columbia contract took advantage of his Broadway success. The Boogie Man Will Get You (1942) was a pale rewrite of Arsenic, and was a poor consolation prize for Karloff missing out on the film version of his hit play, which Frank Capra shot in 1941 with Raymond Massey in Karloff's role. (Capra's film was contractually obligated to sit on the shelf until the play had finished its Broadway run, so it didn't see release until 1944). Sadly overlooked at the time of release, The Devil Commands remains the sole gem of Karloff's Columbia Mad Doctor series.
Producer: Wallace MacDonald
Director: Edward Dmytryk
Screenplay: Robert D. Andrews, Milton Gunzburg; William Sloane (novel "The Edge of Running Water")
Cinematography: Allen G. Siegler
Art Direction: Lionel Banks
Film Editing: Al Clark
Cast: Boris Karloff (Dr. Julian Blair), Richard Fiske (Dr. Richard Sayles), Amanda Duff (Anne Blair), Anne Revere (Mrs. Walters), Ralph Penney (Karl), Dorothy Adams (Mrs. Marcy), Walter Baldwin (Seth Marcy), Kenneth MacDonald (Sheriff Ed Willis), Shirley Warde (Helen Blair)
by John M. Miller

The Devil Commands
The working title of this film was Edge of Running Water.