It Comes at Night
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Trey Edward Shults
Chase Joliet
Joel Edgerton
David Pendleton
Mick O'rourke
Christopher Abbott
Film Details
Technical Specs
Secure within a desolate home as an unnatural threat terrorizes the world, the tenuous domestic order a man has established with his wife and son is put to the ultimate test with the arrival of a desperate young family seeking refuge. Despite the best intentions of both families, paranoia and mistrust boil over as the horrors outside creep ever-closer, awakening something hidden and monstrous within him as he learns that the protection of his family comes at the cost of his soul.
Trey Edward Shults
Chase Joliet
Joel Edgerton
David Pendleton
Mick O'rourke
Christopher Abbott
Carmen Ejogo
Kelvin Harrison
Nathan Dickersin-prokopp
Riley Keough
Katelin Arizmendi
Katelin Arizmendi
Katelin Arizmendi
Tomek Arnold
Navid Bagherzadeh
John Bair
C.j. Baker
Randall Balsmeyer
Xavier Barker
William Berloni
Amanda Bernhardt
Cameron Bertron
Micah Blaichman
John Blazzi
Danny Bonilla
David Bumpus
Domonique Butler
Sean Callaghan
Kevin Callahan
Thomas Cameron
Giuseppe Cappello
Theresa Carroll
Gabriela Celi
Justin R. Chan
Keetin Mayakara Cheung
Josh Child
Evan Childs
Amy Christensen
Christopher Chyba
Mario Colli
Carol Compton
Vivian Connolly
Arielle Cooper-lethem
Patrick Cotnoir
Alexander Crowe
Allegra Crowther
Rachel Dainer-best
Drew Daniels
Drew Daniels
Drew Daniels
John Deblasio
Corey Deckler
Damien Van Der Cruyssen
Angel Deradoorian
Troy Dickerson
Ryan Duffy
Orlando Duguay
David Duque-estrada
Jordan Dykstra
Jessie Eden
Joel Edgerton
Christopher Escandon
Talia Eshel
Kris Fenske
Roberto Fernandez
Daniel Fethke
Dann Fink
Mia Flanagan
Steve Flato
Nicholas Flavin
Bridget Fullan
Michael Fuller
Melissa Gangi
Storm Garner
Jason Gibson
Andrew J Gilbert
Nadirah Goldstein
Ben Greenberg
Matt Griffins
Sasha Grossman
Matt Haasch
Matthew Hannam
Jennifer Harrington
Stephen Harris
Rashid Harrison
Kelley Hartmann
Dana Hayes
John Hazlett
Luke Heater
Robert Hein
Chris Heitzman
Chris Heitzman
Veronica Herrera
Wolfgang Herting
Brian A. Hoffman
Tim Van Horn
Andrew Hubbard
Kara Janeczko
Bobby Johanson
Alice Johnson
Chase Joliet
Ethan June
Nabi Jung
David Kaplan
Megan Kasperlik
Avy Kaufman
David Ketterer
Kenneth Kildee
Patrick Kinney
Dimitri Kouri
Ayane Kozasa
Yuya Kudo
Tryphose Lalane
Avi Laniado
T J. Larson
Christopher Lauderdale
Drew Leary
Sally Levi
Tommy Love
Robert A.a. Lowe
Mitchell L Mack
D.j. Maiorana
Kyp Malone
Nikki Maltezos
Michelle Marchessault
Jose Marin
George Marro
Tony Martinez
Tania Matheus
Andrew Mckay
Clare Mclay
Eric Mcnatt
Brian Mcomber
Duncan Mcrae
Jacob Meis
Amanda Messenger
Edward Miller
Katherine Miller
Katherine Miller
Michele Miller
Paul Miller
Samuel Milstein
Mary Beth Minthorn
Christina Mitrotti
Daniel Moisoff
Richie Molloy
Raymond Morris
Gus Muller
Naomi Munro
Karen Murphy
Kristin Murphy
Elizabeth Nagle
Liam O'neill
Jackson O+brasky
Max O+brasky
Spencer Pazer
Jay Peck
Aaron Peer
Aaron Peer
Aaron Peer
Sean Perry
Michael Pestel
Jonathan Phelps
Stephen Phelps
Ryan Piotrowicz
Mary Ellen Porto
Nick Poyner
Alexa Quiroga
Greg Radcliffe
Tess Raih
Brad Reichel
Savannah Rice
Felix A. Rivera
Michael Rivera
Andrea Roa
Lauren Rohs
Jonathan Rosenblit
Dylan Rossman
Ben Russell
Dave Scanlon
Daniel Schlett
Brian Schuley
Tricia Schultz
Nate Seymour
Trey Edward Shults
Trey Edward Shults
Jason Singleton
Brandon Alan Smith
Darrell Smith
Kristen Smith
Taylor Smith
Wilson Smith
Gabriel Eduardo Solorzano
Kevin Soura
Patty Soura
Justin Stowell
Anthony Stracquadanio
Mike Sweeney
William Sweeney
Lyon Taylor
Rachel Thompson
Grace Toy
Sylva Dean Ventiko
Damian Volpe
Djuna Wahlrab
Matthew Weinberger
Sam Weiner
Natalie Westerfield
Paul Wiancko
Zack Wilpon
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States June 9, 2017
Released in United States on Video September 12, 2017
Released in United States June 9, 2017
Released in United States on Video September 12, 2017