Groundhog Day
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Harold Ramis
Bill Murray
Andie Macdowell
Chris Elliott
Brian Doyle-murray
Stephen Tobolowsky
Film Details
Technical Specs
Teamed with a relentlessly cheery producer and a smart-aleck cameraman, TV weatherman Phil Connors is sent to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to cover the annual Groundhog Day festivities. But on his way out of town, Phil is caught in a giant blizzard, which he failed to predict, and finds himself in small town hell. Just when things couldn't get worse, Phil wakes up the next morning to find it's Groundhog Day all over again... and again... and again.

Bill Murray
Andie Macdowell

Chris Elliott
Brian Doyle-murray
Stephen Tobolowsky
Angela Gollan
Rod Sell
Rick Overton
Brian Willig
Sandy Maschmeyer
Chet Dubowski
Dianne B Shaw
Rick Ducommun
Ann Heekin
Peggy Roeder
Don Rio Mcnichols
Rob Riley
Amy Murdoch
Martha Webster
Lucina Paquet
Robin Duke

Harold Ramis
Tom Milanovich
Angela Paton
Shaun Chaiyabhat
Ben A Fish
John M Watson
Marita Geraghty
Hynden Walch
Eric Saiet
Carol Bivins
Ken Hudson Campbell
Lee Sellars
Richard Henzel
Terry Fryer
Timothy Hendrickson
Barbara Ann Grimes
Evangeline Binkley
C. O. Erickson
Leighanne O'neil
Samuel Mages
Roger Adler
Michael Shannon
Willie Garson
Les Podewell
David Pasquesi
Ben Zwick
Brenda Pickleman
Lindsay Reinsch
Joel Prihoda
Cyd Adams
Trevor Albert
George H Anderson
Mary Andrews
Art Anthony
Nicole Arbusto
Eddy Arnold
Jeff Atmajian
John Bailey
John Bailey
Kevin Barlia
Gary N Baugh
Bill W Benton
Amy Berk
Jennifer Bird
James Blanford
James Blanford
Ron Bolanowski
Sally Boldt
Sonny Bono
Brian W Boyd
Sharon Boyle
Steve Boyum
Jane Brody
Jennifer Butler
Michael B Butler
Ed Callahan
Frank P Calzavara
Rudy Calzavara
Mary Carlson
Patrick Caulfield
Julie Chandler
Ray Charles
Tony Ciccone
Nat King Cole
Lin Coleman
Ritchie Copenhaver
Beth Cotter
Dennis E De La Mata
Deborah Dee
George Dileonardi
Ann Ducommun
James Durante
C. O. Erickson
C. O. Erickson
Dawn Erickson
George Fenton
George Fenton
Eddie Fernandez
Howard Feuer
James Fierro
Glory Fioramonti
Lisa Fischer
Valerie Flueger
Sandy French
Terry Fryer
Terry Fryer
Linda Gacsko
David Giammarco
Julie Lynn Glick
Louis Goldman
Michael Haley
Mark Harper
Craig P Herring
Pembroke J. Herring
Suzanne Herrington
Bill Hoffman
Sam Hoffman
J Alan Hopkins
Craig Hosking
Bob Hudgins
Maryann Kelman
Jim Kindelon
Michael Kohnhorst
George Kohut
George Kohut
Peter Kuttner
John A. Larsen
Alecia Larue
Les Lazarowitz
Lester Lee
Rick Lefevour
Alan Jay Lerner
Morgan Michael Lewis
Thomas E. Lewis
Mark R Lindberg
Gaetano Lisi
Frederick Loewe
Stacy Logan
Kimberly Lord
Ann Lukacs
Jim Mammoser
Zeke Manners
Linda Martin
Cindy Marty
Bradley T Matthys
Mark E Matthys
Dan Maxwell
Jim Mccarthy
Amie Frances Mccarthy-winn
Delbert Mcclinton
Susan B Mencke
Emanuel Millar
Kim Miller
Kimberly K Miller
Margaret A Mitchell
Michael Moyer
James J Murakami
David Nichols
Judd Nissen
Margaret J. Orlando
Dorothy Pearl
Linda Perlin
Randy Popplewell
Sergei Rachmaninoff
Harold Ramis
Harold Ramis
Harold Ramis
Phil Read
Gina Reale
Sergio Reyes
John Richards
John L Roman
Danny Rubin
Danny Rubin
Danny Rubin
Thomas P Ryba
Brian M Schwartz
B Tennyson Sebastian Ii
Peter Lansdown Smith
Christina Stauffer
Susie Stevens
Michael L Stone
Gunnar Swanson
Scott R Thomson
Judi Townsend
Karen Fletcher Trujillo
Cindy Walker
James R Weis
Whitney White
Rich Wilkie
Jeffrey Martin Williams
Jeffrey A. Williams
Frankie Yankovic
Film Details
Technical Specs
Groundhog Day
Some viewers may be surprised to learn that there was no major reason why Groundhog Day was the holiday chosen for the film's backdrop. In an online interview with writer Rubin, he explains: "There were many reasons that Groundhog Day was a good arbitrary choice. It was a good choice because it's in the dead of winter. That made good sense for the story since the main character was stuck in his darkest day. It made sense that the character would come from out of town, and that the character was predicting the weather....It's also an 'unexploited' movie holiday. The reason it became Groundhog Day was that I got the idea right around that time, and I happened to be one of the few people outside Pennsylvania that knew about it." Rubin also didn't see Murray as a good fit for the lead role at first, explaining that, "I wanted a Kevin Kline - someone like that. The studio wanted a big comedian in the center role. I was skeptical. I like Bill Murray's work, but I didn't think he had the acting chops to make it work. Harold [Ramis] told me that [Murray] would be right for the part, and he was right. At that time Bill was starting to take on more meaty roles as an actor, and it came at a good time for him."
The film represented a reunion for Murray and Ramis, who worked together in Caddyshack (1980), Stripes (1981), and Ghost Busters (1984). Apparently, however, there was little love lost between them; Rubin recalls being sent to New York to work with Murray on the script: "...when Ramis phoned him to check in, Murray would shake his head and mouth the words 'I'm not here.' They were like two brothers who weren't getting along, and they were pretty far apart on what the movie was about--Bill wanted it to be more philosophical, and Harold kept reminding him it was a comedy." After filming, the two parted company and - reportedly - haven't spoken since except for incidental exchanges.
Ramis regards Groundhog Day as a pivotal transitional point for Murray as an actor and a person; in a Time magazine article, he states, "In that role he actually got at the edge between the better, higher, gentler Bill and the bad, cranky, dark Bill. He figured out how to project the entirety of himself through character. When we were making the film, I'd launch into some explanation of the scene we were about to do, and he'd say, 'Just tell me-good Phil or bad Phil?'"
The mood between Murray and MacDowell was much more positive by comparison, with crew members recalling their positive chemistry, despite what Ramis called a "strong beauty and the beast quality." In an interview he explained, "She is kind of luminous, you know, I mean she has this perfect skin and a lovely, natural quality, and Bill is, you know, a few miles of rough road there, and yet they looked great together and she seemed to really enjoy him so much."
Playing the hilariously annoying Ned Ryerson, memorable character actor Stephen Tobolowsky remembers that just before filming their scenes together, Murray exclaimed, "The town needs a danish!" and ended up buying hundreds of danish to feed the huge crowd of townspeople watching the filming. The townspeople, incidentally, were not from Pennsylvania at all: the town of Woodstock, Illinois, was used for the shoot instead, due in part to its scenic town square and downtown surroundings. The street spot where Murray repeatedly steps into the puddle actually required the removal of several bricks and is now commemorated by a plaque that reads, "Bill Murray Stepped Here." "Ned's Corner" decorates the area where Phil and Ned first meet. Again. And again.
Displaying other talents, Ramis wrote the lyrics to the song "I'm Your Weatherman," that plays over the beginning and ending credits, and Murray learned enough piano during production to do his own playing.
Additional trivia: MacDowell's character's favorite drink, a sweet vermouth on the rocks, is also the favorite drink of Ramis' wife. And in a fitting display, the actual groundhog used in the film ended up biting Murray. Not once, but twice.
Producer: Trevor Albert, C.O. Erickson, Harold Ramis, Whitney White
Director: Harold Ramis
Screenplay: Danny Rubin, Harold Ramis
Cinematography: John Bailey
Film Editing: Pembroke J. Herring
Art Direction: Peter Landsdown Smith
Music: George Fenton
Cast: Bill Murray (Phil Connors), Andie MacDowell (Rita), Chris Elliott (Larry), Stephen Tobolowsky (Ned Ryerson), Brian Doyle-Murray (Buster Green), Marita Geraghty (Nancy Taylor).
C-101m. Letterboxed.
by Eleanor Quin

Groundhog Day
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter February 12, 1993
Released in United States on Video August 25, 1993
Released in United States June 1999
Shown at Newport International Film Festival (Bill Murray Retrospective) June 1-6, 1999.
Harold Ramis and Danny Rubin received the screenwriter award from the London Film Critics Circle (1993).
Completed shooting June 10, 1992.
Began shooting March 16, 1992.
Released in United States Winter February 12, 1993
Released in United States on Video August 25, 1993
Released in United States June 1999 (Shown at Newport International Film Festival (Bill Murray Retrospective) June 1-6, 1999.)