The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Ned Benson
James Mcavoy
Jonathan Fernandez
Daron P. Stewart
Brendan Donaldson
Julee Cerda
Film Details
Technical Specs
Once happily married, Conor and Eleanor suddenly find themselves as strangers longing to understand each other in the wake of tragedy. The couple try to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone.
Ned Benson
James Mcavoy
Jonathan Fernandez
Daron P. Stewart
Brendan Donaldson
Julee Cerda
Jessica Chastain
Jeremy Shamos
Malcolm Sonsire
Bill Hader
Ciarßn Hinds
Nikki James
Jess Weixler
Sasha Eden
Musto Pelinkovicci
Isabelle Huppert
Marta Milans
Viola Davis
Jimmy Palumbo
June Miller
Nina Arianda
Justine Salata
Wyatt Ralff
Ryan Eggold
Rafael Feldman
William Hurt
Lawrence Cioppa
Will Beinbrink
Stephanie Abbaspour
Roejendra Adams
Kill The Alarm
Miguel Alcaide
Shawn Allen
Joel I. Almanzar
Abe Altbuch
Caylena Andres
Suzanne Andrews
Robert Ansbro
Elda Arias
Jodi Baldwin
Greg Baney
Ken Barber
Niko Barber
Pattie Barbosa
Bruce Barnes
Chris Barnes
Cory Barth
Stacey Battat
Ned Benson
Ned Benson
Josh Berger
Joey Bergren
Matthew Berns
Rafiq Bhatia
Debra Blake
Blaine Le Blanc
Christopher Blauvelt
Sheila Bock
Kristina Boden
Logan Bonilla
Gregory Booth
Russell Bouchelle
William Boukhaled
Brian Bowles
Janice Brabaw
Corey Braccone
Chanel Braden
Johannes Brahms
Joseph Branciforte
Evan Brenner
David Brewster
Michael Brooks
Terry Brown
J. Bush
Colleen Callaghan
Jonathan Candelier
Stephen P. Cannon
Douglas Cantela
Carly Cappello
Candice Cardasis
Sean Carroll
Jim Casey
David Chacon
Rachel Chancey
Jessica Chastain
Luther Cherry
Eric Chiriboga
Jason Cleary
Shakur Clinkscales
Raymond Collins
Ryan Collison
Ryan Cooke
Brad Coolidge
Melissa Coolidge
Kathy Cossu
Tomas Costanza
Judson Crane
Dylan Crawsnay-williams
Leisure Cruise
Gregory Cuozzo
Anky Cyriaque
Kirk D'amico
Charles Dachary
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
Sheri Davani
Jesse Davidson
Julia Davis
Richard Day
Anthony C. Decarlo
Thomas Deluca
Dan Denitto
Anthony Derose
Adam Deutsch
John Diclementi
Michael Dietz
Luciano Digeronimo
Joe Doughan
Jon Dowdy
Peter Dundrick
Marymichael D¿onofrio
Rebecca Edmonston
Linda Ekstrand
Jenna Enns
Roy Farfel
Kristin M Farley
Josh Fehrmann
Robert Fernandez
Roberto Fernandez
Josh Fishe
Danny Fisher
Lauren Fitzsimmons
Faux Fix
Faux Fix
Faux Fix
Kendall Fleisher
Lorraine Fraguada
Debby Freeman
Scott Friedman
Jorge Fuentes
John Galuppo
Timothy M Garrett
Nick Gatto
Corey Gegner
Michael A. Genco
Gregory Giamportone
Valerie Gladstone
Peter Gleaves
Caitlin Gold
Shana Goldberger
Serafin Gonzalez
Waldo Gonzalez
Christina Gould
Elizabeth Grant
Liza Grant
Justin Gray
Shawn Greene
Shawn Greene
Garen Gueyikian
Eli Gurevich
Robert Haddad
Amanda Hagy
Andrew Hamilton
Jeni Harden
Maya Hardinge
Robin Harlow
Wyatt Harte
Gary Haspel
Jerome Hawkins
Joseph Haydn
Patrick Head
Richard Hebrank
Gavin Hecker
Robert Hein
Billy Hernandez
Wilsford D. Heron
Harry Higgins
Dave Hodge
Tricia Holmes
Gavin A. Holmes Jr.
Doug Horton
Christina Hribar
Ashley Hudson
Paul David Humphreys
Andrew S. Hurwitz
Jeff Huston
Justin Hutchinson
Carlos Ilarraza
Stephen Izzi
Sam Jacobs
Meredith Jacobson-marciano
Aaron Jensen
Brittany Jones
Edward Jones
Chantay Jordan
Jason Jordan
Abbi Jutkowitz
Max Kagan
Max Kagan
Joseph Kattou
Dr. Louis Katz
Brian Kelly
Kyle Kelso
Adam King
Warren King
Dennis Kinnard
Matthew Klammer
Ariana S. Kolitsopoulos
Annette Kudrak
Charles Kulsziski
Cassandra Kulukundis
Todd J Labarowski
Jennifer Lane
William Lapp
John Larios
Alicia Leatherbury
Ashley Levy
Robert C Linke
Michael Lobb
Terry Loles
Mike London
Kate Lord
Terrence Lorino
Heather Luscombe
Eric Lutz
Kyle Lutz
Son Lux
Son Lux
Son Lux
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States September 12, 2014
Project was included on the 2006 Black List.
Limited Release in United States September 12, 2014
Director Ned Benson created the film to be viewed either as two stand-alone films - "The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Her" and "The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him" - or as one film.