The Legend of Tarzan
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
David Yates
Alexander Skarsgård
Christoph Waltz
Samuel L. Jackson
Margot Robbie
Gary Cargill
Film Details
Technical Specs
Lured from Victorian England to the wilds of the Congo, Tarzan must return to the jungle to save his captive wife from King Leopold's devious envoy.
David Yates
Alexander Skarsgård
Christoph Waltz

Samuel L. Jackson
Margot Robbie
Gary Cargill
Rory J. Saper
Miles Jupp
Clive Brunt
Charlie Anson
Roger Evans
Casper Crump
Mens-sana Tamakloe
Mimi Ndiweni
Madeleine Worrall
Osy Ikhile
William Wollen
Antony Acheampong
Faith Edwards
Hadley Fraser
Ben Chaplin
Genevieve O'reilly
Simon Russell Beale
Laurence Spellman
Ashley Byam
Adam Ganne
Aleksander Mikic
Ian Mercer
Alex Ferns
Djimon Hounsou
Cedric Weber
Christopher Benjamin
Yule Masiteng
Shaun Smith
Teresa Churcher
Jim Broadbent
John Hollingworth
Matt Cross
Raja Bose A
Owyn Abram
Catalina Acosta
Kate Adams
Matt Adams
Olivia M. Adams
Niv Adiri
Dean Adjeikum
Taz Agiakatsikas
Stephen Agnew
Shane Aherne
Jason Airey
Himanshu Ajmera
Vanessa Akakpo
Victoria Albanese
Maria Asim Ali
Sina Ali
David Allday
Guiomar Alonso
Rohan Anchan
Valeria Andino
Laurence Anslow
Nairye Apelian
Mark Appleby
Karl Apsey
Mark Archer
Christophe Archinet
Sarah Arduini
Julie Argall
Cole Armitage
Oliver Armstrong
Karen Arredondo
Huw Arthur
Giles Asbury
Stefan Ash
Anelia Asparuhova
Dimitrios Aspros
Arundi Asregadoo
Mathieu Assemat
Valentin Astier
Simon Atherton
John August
John August
Suzanne Austin
Aditya Bachav
Adam Bacon
Jen Bahan
Nitin Kumar Bahl
Ben Bailey
Daren Bailey
Tom Bailey
Chris Bain
Amman Bains
Bhavika Bajpai
Richard W. Baker
Mahesh Balakrishnan
Anand Balasubramaniam
Sandra Balej
Scott Balkcom
Matthew Ball
Jordan Barbour
Lluis Barcelo
Harry Bardak
Giacomo Bargellesi
Ben Barker
Ken Barley
James Barr
Neill Barrack
Alexis Barron
Alexis Barron
David Barron
Lewis Barron
Scott Bartels
Jean-françois Barthelemy
Ian Barwick
Lee Baskerville
Stuart Beattie
Stuart Beattie
Ashley Beck
Emmy Beech
Paul Beilby
Alexis Belanger
Matthew Bell
Chris Bending
Dillon Bennett
Jonny Benson
Nick Benson
Michael Berendt
Bruce Berman
Chris Berry
Sam Berry
Helen Beuselinck
Lucy Bevan
Jayesh Bhavsar
Carl Bianco
Emily Bick
Dylan Binns
James Birtchnell
Ravinder Singh Bishnoi
Hiram Bleetman
Brandon Blevins
Nic Groot Bluemink
Tommy Blunkell
Pierre Bohanna
Julien Bolbach
Fabrizia Bonaventura
Anto Bond
Amanda Bone
Paul Bongiovanni
Harsh Borah
Nicolas Borens
Michael Borhi
Ruslan Borysov
Kyle Botha
Thomas Bowes
Krzysztof Boyoko
Guy Bradley
Paul Brady
Amelia Braekke-dyer
Henry Braham
Henry Braham
Anton Brand
Marco Bremm
Craig Brewer
Craig Brewer
Tom Brewster
Alexander Bridges
Stuart Bridges
Toby Britton
Emily Brockmann
David Bruce
Lee Brunet
Michael Brunet
Marc Brzezicki
Sonny Burdis
Peter Burgis
Tim Burke
Jess Burnheim
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Paul Burton
Andrew Butler
Michael Byrch
Hermione Byrt
Chris Cabrera
Claire Callway
Alexander Cameron
Felipe Canfora
Jerome Cant
Thomas Cant
Faye Carney
Jonathan Carre
Tom Carter
Ann Cartwright
Roisin Carty
Giovanni Casadei
Ken Catrall
David Cattermole
Benjamin Cavarretta
Maxime Cazaly
Matteo Ceccotti
Carolina Cedres
Bahar Cetin
Jean Simon Chabot
Martina Chakarova
Kirstin Chalmers
Usha Chaman
Jaeyoung Chang
Neil Chapelhow
Anthony Chappina
Dominique Chartrand
Manish G Chavan
Irene Chawko
Paul Cheesman
Benjamin Cheong
Scott Cherrin
Tony Christian
Pedram Christopher
Mick Chubbock
Naeem Chudawala
Martin Ciastko
Fabrice Di Cicco
Alan Clappison
Andrew Clarke
Matthew Clarke
Rachel Clarke
Tony Clarke
Fergus Clegg
Richard Clegg
Stephanie Clerkin
Samuel Clough
Nicky Coats
Andy Le Cocq
Gary Cohen
Jonathan Cohen
John Collee
John Collee
Paolo Consorti
Chris Cook
Andrew Cooke
Matt Cooke
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States July 1, 2016
Released in United States on Video October 11, 2016
Based on the novel "Tarzan of the Apes" written by Edgar Rice Burroughs published in 1912.
Stephen Sommers was previously mentioned to direct.
Craig Brewer was previously attached to direct.
Jessica Chastain was previously mentioned to co-star.
Warner Bros. agreed to pay John August a substantial seven-figure sum to pen the project.
The film will be a modernized adaptation, following very closely to the spirit of character created by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Tarzan first made his feature debut in a series of MGM features starring Johnny Weissmuller in the 1930's. Other film and versions of the legendary character include: "Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes" (USA/1984); "Tarzan and the Lost City" (USA/1998); "Tarzan the Ape Man" (USA/1981).
Warner Bros. hired Craig Brewer and Adam Cozad to work on two separate scripts for the projects, then fused both, focusing on Cozad's action set pieces and story structure while incorporating Brewer's character elements.
Released in United States on Video October 11, 2016
Rumored that production was delayed due to budget concerns.
Wide Release in United States July 1, 2016