Into the Woods
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Rob Marshall
Lilla Crawford
Christine Baranski
Mackenzie Mauzy
Johnny Depp
Annette Crosbie
Film Details
Technical Specs
Once upon a time in a far off kingdom, the Baker and his Wife learn that the Witch next door placed a curse on the Baker's family, ensuring they would never have a child. In order to break the curse, they must venture into the Woods and, by the time the blue moon rises in three days' time, they must return with a cow as white as milk, hair as yellow as corn, a cape as red as blood and a slipper as pure as gold. The curse finally lifted, the couple have their baby, Cinderella marries her Prince, Rapunzel is freed from the tower, and Jack returns from the kingdom in the sky with riches beyond his wildest dreams. But when a vengeful giant climbs down the beanstalk, wrecking destruction on the land, all must face the consequences of their desires.
Rob Marshall
Lilla Crawford
Christine Baranski
Mackenzie Mauzy
Johnny Depp
Annette Crosbie
Lucy Punch
Emily Blunt
Anna Kendrick
Daniel Huttlestone

Meryl Streep
Richard Glover
Simon Russell Beale
Joanna Riding

Tracey Ullman
Frances De La Tour
James Corden
Billy Magnussen
Tammy Blanchard
Chris Pine
Tony Abejuro
Natalie Abizadeh
Arpit Achha
Sagar Adokar
Paul Akbar
Roxi Alexandru
Philip Allchin
Mark Alvarez
Kevin Amos
Kapil Dev Anand
Adiren Annesley
Krishna Anthara
Mark Appleby
Ryan Arcus
Cherri Arpino
Viviane Assaad
Gerald Atkinson
Oriane Mulleras-el Atmani
Colleen Atwood
K Durai Babu
Justine Baker
Max Baker
Sanjay Baliga
Samantha Banack
Andrew Banwell
Christine Baranski
Waseem Barlas
Chris Barrett
Adrian Barry
Katrina Barton
Victoria Bate
Paul Bates
Brian Baxter
Nicolas Beaufays
Francois Beauregard
Mike Becki
Joe Beckwith
Damien Beebe
Dion Beebe
Dion Beebe
Dion Beebe
Andrew Bennett
Jonny Benson
David Bethell
Emma Bevan
Lottie Birmingham
Nigel Birtchnell
Simon Black
Tammy Blanchard
Emily Blunt
Steve Bohan
Kishore Boloor
John Botton
Thomas Bourdis
Gemma Bourne
Brian Bowles
Kaniez Braganza
Emma Brazier
Bertrand Breuze
Ben Broadbridge
Duncan Broadfoot
Perry Brookes
Chris Brown
Monique Brown
Jeanette Browning
Jim Bruening
Lee Bryant
John Burden
Grant Butler
James Buxton
Florent Cachot
Dougal Cadiou
Archie Campbell-baldwin
Rob Campbell-bell
Tony Cardenas
Victoria Cartwright
John Casali
Erico Caselle
Carlos Chacin
Raviraju Challa
Sacha Chandisingh
Jo Changer
Dan Channing-williams
Nicolas Chevallier
Krissopher Chevannes
Juliette Cheveley
Charlotte Child
Elizabeth Chodar
Nick Chopping
Tamlyn Clark
Peter Clarke
Matt Coby
Jonathan Cohen
Rosie Coker
Dean Coldham
Ben Collins
Guy Cope
James Corden
Marko Costanzo
Christian Coulson
James Cox
Lilla Crawford
Bodgan Cristescu
Stacey Cummings
Gopinath Damodaran
Devis Damonte
Payal Dani
Jodie Davidson
Colin Davis
Emily Davis
Sean Davis
Shaun Davis
Laura Davison
Garry Dawson
Camille Verhaeghe De Naeyer
Arabella Dean
John Deluca
John Deluca
John Deluca
Nicole Dempster
Aaron Dennis
Lucy Denny
Johnny Depp
Mark Desimone
Stephen Deuters
Gayle Dickie
Curtis Doherty
Tamsin Dorling
Daniel Dow
Eleanor Downey
Stephen Doyle
Kristen Drewski
Graham Driscoll
Benoit Dubuc
Paul Duff
Rob Duffield
Jennifer Dunnington
Jonathan Dwyer
Jake Edwards
Xanthe Elbrick
Amir Eleswy
Tom Elgar
Jason Elliott
Alan Emanuel
Maria Endara
Denny Ertanto
Pierre Escande
Sarah Essam
Dom Evans
Laura Evans
Trevor Eve
Amanda Farinos
Charles Farkas
Lydia Farley
Russell Farns
John Paul Fasal
Amelia Ferrand-rock
Annalese Ferrari
Michael Feuser
Nicolas Fidala
Dann Fink
Conor J. Finlay
Gabrielle Firth
Katie Firth
M. Anthony Fisher
James Fleming
Paul Flint
Christopher Flockton
Dave Flynch
Wubbina Fokkens-kiernan
Suzie Ford
Pauline Fowler
Lince Francis
Kim Frederiksen
Jessica Harris Freeth
Steve French
Valeria Di Gabriele
Harry Gamble
Julianna Kya Garwood
Dennis Gassner
Catherine Gaucher
Annie Gaudet
Paul Gemignani
Suzanna Geraghty
Chris Gilbertson
David Gimenez
Peter Gleaves
Oliver Glover
Hannah Godwin
Chema Gomez
Paul Gooch
Nic Goodey
Tom Goodwin
Angus More Gordon
Angus More Gordon
Gavin Gordon
Georgina Gordon-smith
Gail Gostick
Joe Gould
Emily Grainger
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Project was previously in development at The Jim Henson Company and Storyline.
Released in United States on Video March 24, 2015
Wide Release in United States December 25, 2014
Based on the Broadway musical "Into the Woods," directed by James Lapine, music by Stephen Sondheim, which opened on November 5, 1987 at the Martin Beck Theater.
Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel previously wrote a draft when project was in development at Columbia Pictures.
Based on the book "Into the Woods" written by James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim and published by Theatre Communications Group January 1, 1993.
Jake Gyllenhaal was previously in negotiations, but could not commit due to his shooting schedule on another film, "Nightcrawler."
Rob Minkoff was previously attached to direct when project was at Columbia Pictures.
Project was previously in development at Columbia Pictures.
Wide Release in United States December 25, 2014
Released in United States on Video March 24, 2015