Furious 7
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
James Wan
Anna Colwell
Ali Fazal
Miller Kimsey
Jason Statham
Jocelin Donahue
Film Details
Technical Specs
Seventh film in the street racing franchise.
James Wan
Anna Colwell
Ali Fazal
Miller Kimsey
Jason Statham
Jocelin Donahue
Tyrese Gibson
Charlie Kimsey
Gentry White
Lucas Black
Sung Kang
Nathalie Emmanuel
Paul Walker
Ronda Rousey
Romeo Santos
Jorge-luis Pallo
Brittney Alger
Steve Coulter
Christopher Neely
Viktor Hernandez
John Brotherton
Elsa Pataky
Jorge Ferragut
Antwan Mills
Tony Jaa
Robert Pralgo
Gal Gadot
Eden Estrella
Dj Hapa
Brian Mahoney

Kurt Russell
Luke Evans
Sara Sohn
Noel Gugliemi
Djimon Hounsou
J.j. Phillips
Michelle Rodriguez
Stephanie Langston
Benjamin Blankenship
Levy Tran
Jon Lee Brody
Jordana Brewster
Vin Diesel
Iggy Azalea
Dwayne Johnson
Christopher A J Pitt
Tea Aaron
Nathan Abbot
Damien Abdool
Tsuyoshi Abe
Johan Aberg
James "jhart" Abrahart
Ryan Abrams
Eva Abramycheva
Gino Acevedo
Danielle Adesman
Glen Charles Adlam
Sagar Adokar
Primo Agas
Jon Aghassian
Vincent Agostino
Ricky Aguirre
Garrett Ahlf
Coleen Aiello
Lukin Aikins
Alfred Ainsworth
Olubowale 'wale' Akintimehin
Olubowale 'wale' Akintimehin
Sarah Alali
Dennis Alaniz
Tristan Alarcon
Elena Albanese
Juan Valenzuela Alcaraz
Nolan Aldridge
Lee Alexander
Matt Alexander
Tim Alexander
Jimmy Alfred
Ghaffer Ali
Stuart Allan
Sylvester Allen
Gina Aller
Jacob Aller
Sam Allison
Yassin Alsalman
Yassin Alsalman
Stephanie Alvarado
Francisco Alvarez
Luiz Amaral
Michael Ambrose
Svend Andersen
Chris Anderson
Michael Anderson
Tyler Anderson
Caroline Andrade
Alina Andrei
George Andrews
Eric Andrusyszyn
Chloe Angelides
Eeman Al Ansari
Michael Anthony
Pat Antonelli
Chris Antonucci
Michael D Antunez
Nathan Antunez
George Antzoulides
Robert Anzures
Steve Aoki
Steve Aoki
Dereck Appelcryn
Syed Arafath Apsar
Saundra Marie Ardito
J P Arias
Eric Armao
Charlie Armstrong
Artin Aryaei
Duffy Astriab
Duffy Astriab
Okan Ataman
Terry Atchison
Roy Augenstein
Paul Aulicino
Derrick Auyoung
Dan Ayling
Iggy Azalea
Iggy Azalea
Zehra Azmi
Emi Baba
John Baer
Jörg Baier
Al Bailey
Rick Bailey
Natalie Baillie
Jonathan Baker
Leslie Baker
Sam Baker
Simon Baker
John Baldwin
Robert Baldwin
Adam Balentine
Carlos Balila
Sam Balzer
Marco Barbati
Alfredo Barcia
Alyssa Barnes
Ron Barr
Phil Barrenger
Kevin Barrera
Daniel Barrett
Teresa Barsali
Jake Bartel
Jay Barton
Robert Bastens
Joel Bautista
Scott Baxter
Owans Bazile
Holly Beals
Ryan Beat
Jeff Beattie
Ben Beavan
Brad Beaven
Eric Beaver
Erin Beck
Lyse Beck
Sean Becker
Kathleen Beeler
Olivier Beierlein
Atif Beig
Rahil Beig
Jessica Beisler
Matthew Bell
Gregory Bellis
Cassidy Bennett
William Bennett
Eric Benson
Dave Bergstrom
Kevin Berlandi
Danielle Berman
Justin Bernhard
Lark Bernini
Alexander A B Berson
Mike Berzsenyi
John Betancourt
Jon Bethke
Erik Bierens
Jeff Bilger
Graham Binding
Brandon Birtell
Shannon Black
Christopher Blackmore
Leandrea Blake
Simon Blake
Tim Blake
Joel Blanchard
Fito Blanko
Kathryn F Blanton
Jody Blose
Robert Bock
Alexandra Boden
Moragot Bodharamik
Felipe Bohorquez
Jeremy Boissinot
Audrey Boivin
Kenneth Bolton
Charles Bolwell
Jason Bond
Alessandro Bonora
Markus Boos
Nick Booth
Raynee Borchardt
Diego Borella
Emma Borgerding
Melissa Bosco
Chloe Bostian
Luke Botteron
David Boucher
Mark Boucher
Kevin Bouchez
Freddy Bouciegues
Jean-christophe Boue
Jon R. Bourke
Bill Bouvier
Robert Bova
Kevin Bowers
Robb Boyd
Suzanna Boykin
Tatjana Bozinovski
Adam Bradley
Julian Brain
Lee Bramwell
Bob Branam
Jeanette Branch
Hugh Braselton
John Bratton
Joe F Bravo
John Brennick
Kristie Breslin
Johannes Bresser
Dominique P. Breyvogel
Bill Bridges
Jared Brient
Dean Broadland
Jeff Brockton
Hugh Brompton
Ryan Brooks
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
"See You Again"
Wide Release in United States April 3, 2015
Seventh film in the franchise, beginning with "The Fast and the Furious" (USA/2001) directed by Rob Cohen and starring Vin Diesel and Paul Walker.
Sequel to "Fast Five" (USA/2011) directed by Justin Lin and starring Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and Jordana Brewster.
Released in United States on Video September 15, 2015
Universal Pictures was originally rumored to be shooting the sixth and seventh "Fast and the Furious" films back to back.
Caleb and Cody Walker participated as stand-ins for their brother, Paul Walker, to assist in the completion of production.
Weta Digital reportedly working with face-replacement technology to complete scenes involving Paul Walker's character.
Justin Lin was previously attached to direct.
The sixth and seventh film were written simultaneously.
Production resumed in Atlanta on March 31st and is scheduled to last for approximately 6-8 weeks before wrapping principal photography.
"See You Again"
Wide Release in United States April 3, 2015
Released in United States on Video September 15, 2015