Walter Anthony Huston


Tony Huston got his start in the world of acting at the ripe age of 13. Huston marked his early career with roles in the suspenseful adaptation "The List of Adrian Messenger" (1963) with George C Scott and "The Runaways" (CBS, 1974-75). More recently, Huston appeared on "The Hustons: Hollywood's Maverick Dynasty" (1998-99)....


Tony Huston got his start in the world of acting at the ripe age of 13. Huston marked his early career with roles in the suspenseful adaptation "The List of Adrian Messenger" (1963) with George C Scott and "The Runaways" (CBS, 1974-75). More recently, Huston appeared on "The Hustons: Hollywood's Maverick Dynasty" (1998-99).

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