Shizuo Hirase


Life Events


Movie Clip

Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell (1968) -- (Movie Clip) It's Like A Sea Of Blood From the top, the airplane in the red sky which Quentin Tarantino lifted for Kill Bill: Vol. 1, we meet the pilot and first officer and flight attendant (Hiroyuki Nishimoto, Teruo Yoshida, Tomomi Sato), the politician, his aide and wife (Eizo Kitamura, Nobuo Kaneko, Yuko Kusonoki) and briefly the American war widow (Kathy Horan), as going gets weird real fast, in Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell, 1968.
Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell (1968) -- (Movie Clip) Exercise Caution, Credits The killer (Hideo Ko) has tricked the first officer and flight attendant (Teruo Yoshida, Tomomi Sato) and taken the plane, but has nothing to do with weird events and reports on the radio, leading to the credits and wild music by Shunsuke Kikuchi, in director Hajime Sato’s celebrated Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell, 1968.
Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell (1968) -- (Movie Clip) You'll Be Unmasked! The scientist Saga (Masaya Takahashi) foresees doom, on top of the social already predicted social breakdown, after the plane crash and the space monster vampire attack, confirmed when the corporate lackey Tokuyasu (Nobuo Kaneko, with Yuko Kusonoki his wife) turns on the senator (Eizo Kitamura), whom he’s already softened with liquor, in Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell, 1968.
Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell (1968) -- (Movie Clip) I Know Nothing About That Mano the senator and Tokuyasu (Eizo Kitamura, Nobuo Kaneko) after the plane crash are realizing the killer-guy (Hideo Ko) must be the assassin in the news, so he snatches Miss Asakura (Tomomi Sato) and tries for a getaway, until they find the flying saucer-thing, and bigger trouble, in Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell, 1968.
