Dorival Caymmi


Birth Place
April 30, 1914
August 16, 2008


Dorival Caymmi, a talented musician, produced music for many Hollywood productions. Caymmi worked on a variety of projects during his early entertainment career, including "The Wild Pack" (1972) starring Kent Lane and "Les Naufrages de l'ile de la tortue" (1976) starring Pierre Richard. His music was also used in "Woman on Top" (2000). Caymmi's music was most recently featured in the...


Dorival Caymmi, a talented musician, produced music for many Hollywood productions. Caymmi worked on a variety of projects during his early entertainment career, including "The Wild Pack" (1972) starring Kent Lane and "Les Naufrages de l'ile de la tortue" (1976) starring Pierre Richard. His music was also used in "Woman on Top" (2000). Caymmi's music was most recently featured in the Vince Vaughn smash hit romantic comedy "The Break-Up" (2006). Caymmi passed away in August 2008 at the age of 94.

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