James Gunn


Life Events


Movie Clip

Young Philadelphians, The (1959) -- (Movie Clip) Some Kind Of Social Position Wrapping up the 1920’s prologue and introducing the star, Diana Brewster as widowed Philadelphian and new mom Kate, whose high-society husband died, possibly by suicide, on their wedding night, with the rough-hewn immigrant Mike (Brian Keith), who is the real father of her son Anthony, who grows up to be Paul Newman, in The Young Philadelphians, 1959.
Young Philadelphians, The (1959) -- (Movie Clip) If You Brought A Shotgun... Respectable but poor Tony (Paul Newman), a semester short of finishing Princeton, and Joan (Barbara Rush), his affluent lovestruck girlfriend, have decided to elope but get intercepted by his long-widowed mother (Diane Brewster), and her high-powered lawyer father (John Williams), in The Young Philadelphians, 1959.
Young Philadelphians, The (1959) -- (Movie Clip) I Always Used A Diagram Law student Tony, now cynical due to earlier setbacks, is spending the summer helping rich retiring lawyer Wharton (Otto Kruger) write a book, drawing all the attention of his young wife Carol (Alexis Smith), the three of them then receiving guests Carter and Joan (Fred Eisley, Barbara Rush), who was once, secretly, Tony’s fianceè, in The Young Philadelphians, 1959.
Affair In Trinidad (1952) -- (Movie Clip) I Asked Him To Pass The Salt Right after her hot opening number, Howard Wendell as the new American consul in Trinidad, with Torin Thatcher as the Brit cop Smythe, with some tactics applied, tells dancer Chris Emery (Rita Hayworth) her husband has been found dead, in Rita’s box-office hit comeback, Affair In Trinidad, 1952, directed by Vincent Sherman, co-starring Glenn Ford.
Affair In Trinidad (1952) -- (Movie Clip) Not In The Tropics Not his first scene but his first with the star, Glenn Ford as just-arrived American Steve is angry with Rita Hayworth as night club star Chris, widow of his artist brother, whom he’s never met, thinking he committed suicide, not realizing she’s helping the cops solve his murder, followed by a typical powerful entry into the plot by Juanita Moore as servant Dominique, in Affair In Trinidad, 1952.
Young Philadelphians, The (1959) -- (Movie Clip) Pleasant Or Unpleasant Still in his first scene and semi-shirtless, Paul Newman as summering Princeton man Tony, who has no idea his construction company owner boss is his real father, has to step in when his driver Carson (Lennie Bremen) crashes into Barbara Rush, making probably her best entrance ever, as society gal Joan, in The Young Philadelphians, 1959.
Young Philadelphians, The (1959) -- (Movie Clip) Interesting Heredity On summer break from Princeton, pre-Law roommates Robert Vaughn, as ultra-rich party animal Chet, and Paul Newman as respectable but under-funded Tony, at the polo club, meet Chet’s guardian uncles, Robert Douglas, then Frank Conroy, who appears to know the secret of Tony’s lineage, in The Young Philadelphians, 1959.
All I Desire (1953) -- (Movie Clip) Maybe I Asked For It From the Carol Ryrie Brink novel and director Douglas Sirk, cracking opening all about Barbara Stanwyck, as Vaudeville performer Naomi Murdoch, narrating her back-story then sharing a letter with a colleague (Lela Bliss), in All I Desire, 1953, with Richard Carlson, Lyle Bettger and Lori Nelson.
All I Desire (1953) -- (Movie Clip) What A Dramatic Entrance Douglas Sirk directs Barbara Stanwyck as Vaudevillian Naomi, returning mostly unexpected to the family she left ten years earlier, who believe she’s a legit actress, Lori Nelson the daughter who sent for her, Marcia Henderson the elder, Billy Gray the son, Richard Carlson the surprised husband, in All I Desire,1953.
All I Desire (1953) -- (Movie Clip) Old Friends Like Us Riding with her daughter (Marcia Henderson) and beau (Richard Long), Barbara Stanwyck as Naomi, the Vaudeville actress just returned to the Wisconsin town she scandalized by leaving ten years earlier, is finally approached by Dutch (Lyle Bettger), her almost-lover from back then, in Douglas Sirk’s All I Desire,1953.
All I Desire (1953) -- (Movie Clip) You're Not Anna Held Yet Just after Barbara Stanwyck’s opening narration, director Douglas Sirk introduces parts of the Wisconsin family she abandoned, for the stage, ten years earlier, Marcia Henderson as daughter Joyce, Richard Long her escort, Lori Nelson as younger Lily, Lotte Stein the loyal maid, in Douglas Sirk’s All I Desire, 1953.
All I Desire (1953) -- (Movie Clip) How Do I Love Thee? Barbara Stanwyck as low-rent actress Naomi, maintaining the fiction she’s a big star for the family she’s just rejoined ten years after she ran away, is persuaded by daughter Lily (Lori Nelson), on the night of her own stage debut, to read Elizabeth Barrett Browning, nice moment for director Douglas Sirk, in All I Desire, 1953.
