Tom Gilson


Tom Gilson was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Gilson's career beginnings included film roles in the comedic adaptation "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!" (1958) with Paul Newman and the dramatic adaptation "Home From the Hill" (1960) with Robert Mitchum. Gilson made film his next project, appearing in "The Crowded Sky" (1960) with Dana Andrews and "This Rebel Breed" (1...


Tom Gilson was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Gilson's career beginnings included film roles in the comedic adaptation "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!" (1958) with Paul Newman and the dramatic adaptation "Home From the Hill" (1960) with Robert Mitchum. Gilson made film his next project, appearing in "The Crowded Sky" (1960) with Dana Andrews and "This Rebel Breed" (1960) with Rita Moreno. Later in his career, Gilson acted in "Convicts Four" (1962).

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