Kimberly Foster
Kimberly Foster, born and raised in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, attended Booneville High School, where she was a cheerleader. After high school she briefly attended the University of Arkansas, but dropped out to pursue a career in modeling and acting. Fittingly, her early acting roles were on model-centric television programming like the Joan Collins TV movie "Making of a Male Model" and the model agency-set drama "Paper Dolls," where her great looks and blonde hair came in handy. Throughout the 1980s she appeared in a number of memorable films, including the John Cusack/"Savage" Steve Holland comedy "One Crazy Summer" and the big screen Tom Hanks/Dan Aykroyd comedic re-interpretation of the popular cop drama "Dragnet." The biggest role of her somewhat brief screen career, however, was that of Michelle Stevens on the wildly popular primetime soap opera "Dallas
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