Jeff Rawle
Actor Jeff Rawle appeared in a variety of films over the course of his Hollywood career. Rawle's earliest roles were in film, including the James Aubrey drama "Home Before Midnight" (1978), "The Life Story of Baal" (1978) and "A Hitch in Time" (1979). He also appeared in "Correction, Please or How We Got Into Pictures" (1979), "Phoelix" (1979) and the Gavin Richards experimental "Crystal Gazing" (1982). He kept working in film throughout the eighties and the early 2000s, starring in "The Case of Marcel Duchamp" (1983) with Guy Rolfe and the historical feature "The Doctor and the Devils" (1985) with Timothy Dalton. He also contributed to a variety of television specials, including "A Perfect Hero" (PBS, 1991-92) and "Take a Girl Like You" (PBS, 2000-01). He also was featured in the TV movies "Death In Holy Orders" (PBS, 2004-05) and "An Adventure in Space and Time" (BBC, 2013-14). Rawle most recently acted on "The Outcast" (BBC 1, 2014-15).