Jack Colvin
Although Jack Colvin was a prolific force in the world of stage acting and cropped up in dozens of supporting roles in film and television, he is recognized by general audiences first and foremost as Jack McGee, a relentlessly nosy reporter in the 1977-1981 comic-based action TV series "The Incredible Hulk." Despite his pulpy claim-to-fame, Colvin never strayed far from his roots in theatrical academia, teaching courses at a variety of international schools and overseeing his own seminal institution until his death in 2005. True to form, Colvin (who also appeared in the first of several Hulk TV-movie sequels produced in the years following the original show's end) imbued the pushy, scoop-seeking McGee with elements of the "Les Miserables" character Javert. Colvin has also made appearances in the austere 1972 western "Jeremiah Johnson," the beloved possessed-doll film "Child's Play," and the action TV series "The Six Million Dollar Man." Colvin passed away from a stroke at the age of 71.