Anja Breien
Anja Breien worked on a variety of projects during her entertainment career. Breien's early work as a director consisted of a variety of independent films, such as the crime flick "Voldtekt (Tilfellet Anders)" (1971) with Svein Sturia Hungnes, the comedy "Wives" (1975) with Anne Marie Ottersen and "Den Allvarsamma Leken" (1977). She continued to work in film in the seventies and the eighties, directing motion pictures like "Arven" (1979), "Forfoljelsen" (1981) and "Papirfuglen" (1984) with Elisabeth Mortensen. She also appeared in the comedy sequel "Wives - Ten Years Later" (1985) with Froydis Armand. In the eighties and the nineties, Breien lent her talents to projects like "Sostenuto" (1989), "Twice Upon a Time" (1990) starring Sven Wollter and "Second Sight" (1994) starring Julia Onsager Steen. Most recently, Breien directed the comedy sequel "Wives III" (1996) with Froydis Armand.
Director (Feature Film)
Cinematography (Feature Film)
Writer (Feature Film)
Editing (Feature Film)
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