Charles Simon
Actor Charles Simon began acting at the ripe age of 14. Simon started his entertainment career by acting in comedies like "Diamond's Edge" (1990) with Dursley McLinden. He also was featured in the miniseries "Codename: Kyril" (1987-88). He also appeared in the TV movie "The Singing Detective" (PBS, 1987-88). His film career continued throughout the nineties in productions like the historical romance "American Friends" (1993) with Michael Palin, the dramatic adaptation "Shadowlands" (1993) with Anthony Hopkins and "Occhiopinocchio" (1995). He also appeared in the Bill Murray comedic adaptation "The Man Who Knew Too Little" (1997). In the latter half of his career, he continued to act in the Jim Broadbent comedic drama "Topsy-Turvy" (1999), the Glenn Close adventure sequel "102 Dalmatians" (2000) and the comedy "Whatever Happened to Harold Smith?" (2001) with Tom Courtenay. Simon was most recently credited in "Paradise Grove" (2005) with Ron Moody. Additionally, he appeared on the television special "Wives and Daughters" (BBC, 1999). Simon passed away in May 2002 at the age of 93.
Cast (Feature Film)
Cast (Special)
Cast (TV Mini-Series)
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