Av Westin
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Voices From the Attic
Editorial Consultant
Barbara Walters: A Driving Force
Don Hewitt: 90 Minutes on 60 Minutes
Making the News
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit '94: The 30th Anniversary
Executive Producer
People's 20th Birthday
Executive Producer
Editing (Feature Film)
Voices From the Attic
Editorial Consultant
Cast (Special)
Barbara Walters: A Driving Force
Don Hewitt: 90 Minutes on 60 Minutes
Making the News
Producer (Special)
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit '94: The 30th Anniversary
Executive Producer
People's 20th Birthday
Executive Producer
Working in America: Hazardous Duty
Executive Producer
America's Kids: Teaching Them to Think
Executive Producer
Crimes Against Children: Failure of Foster Care
Executive Producer
The Business of Defense: Flaws in the Shield
Executive Producer
America's Kids: Why They Flunk
Executive Producer
The Unruly Dragon
Executive Producer
Life After Death Row
Executive Producer
Drugs: A Plague Upon the Land
Executive Producer
America's Kids: Their Diet of Danger
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Drugs: Why This Plague?
Executive Producer
America: Are We Losing the Future?
Executive Producer
Burning Questions: The Poisoning of America
Executive Producer
Olympic Politics
Executive Producer
The Summit in America
Executive Producer
The Blessings of Liberty
Executive Producer
LIFE: Fifty Years
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on Gun Control: Pro and Con
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on New Religions: Holiness or Heresy?
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup: American Schools -- Flunking the Test
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup: Portraits
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup: Medicine and Money
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on Women's Health: A Question of Survival
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on Food: The Crisis of Price
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on Washington Regulators: How They Cost You Money
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on Lawyers: Guilty As Charged?
Executive Producer
What's Happened Since
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on IRS: A Question of Power
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on Autos: Spoiled By Success?
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on Illegal Aliens: The Gate Crashers
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on the Land Use Game: Who Controls Your Property?
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on the Weekend Athletes
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on the Consumer Offensive: Who Speaks For the People?
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on Danger in Sports: Paying the Price
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
ABC News Closeup on Crashes: The Illusion of Safety
Executive Producer
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