Suzanne Osten


Suzanne Osten worked on a variety of projects during her entertainment career. At the start of her Hollywood career, Osten was directing a variety of independent films, such as "Mamma" (1982) and "Broderna Mozart" (1987) with Etienne Glaser. She continued to work in film in the eighties and the nineties, directing motion pictures like "Livsfarlig Film" (1988), "Skyddsangeln" (1990) a...


Suzanne Osten worked on a variety of projects during her entertainment career. At the start of her Hollywood career, Osten was directing a variety of independent films, such as "Mamma" (1982) and "Broderna Mozart" (1987) with Etienne Glaser. She continued to work in film in the eighties and the nineties, directing motion pictures like "Livsfarlig Film" (1988), "Skyddsangeln" (1990) and "Tala! Det ar sa morkt" (1993). She also appeared in the Francesca Quartey comedy "Bara Du & Jag" (1994). Osten most recently directed the drama "Bengbulan" (1996) with Emelie Ekenborn.

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