Ashley Leggat


Canadian actress Ashley Leggat began her professional career in her early teens with a recurring role on the children's television comedy "I Was a Sixth Grade Alien." Her other work for Canadian television included the partly animated action comedy "Ace Lightning," the social-media-centered teen soap "11 Cameras," and the family comedy "Darcy's Wild Life," until she gained her first star...


Canadian actress Ashley Leggat began her professional career in her early teens with a recurring role on the children's television comedy "I Was a Sixth Grade Alien." Her other work for Canadian television included the partly animated action comedy "Ace Lightning," the social-media-centered teen soap "11 Cameras," and the family comedy "Darcy's Wild Life," until she gained her first starring role as the center of the popular blended-family sitcom "Life with Derek." After four seasons on that show, Leggat began transitioning into grown-up roles, co-starring in the made for TV thriller "The Perfect Roommate" and guest-starring on popular series such as "Criminal Minds."

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