Predrag Lakovic


Predrag Lakovic was who had a successful Hollywood career. Lakovic started off Lakovic's career in film with roles in the period drama "When Father Was Away on Business" (1985) with Moreno D'e Bartolli and "Zivot Je Lep" (1986). Lakovic next focused Lakovic's career on film, appearing in the drama "Slucaj Harms" (1988) with Franco Lasic, the Biljana Milenovic drama "Suncokreti" (...


Predrag Lakovic was who had a successful Hollywood career. Lakovic started off Lakovic's career in film with roles in the period drama "When Father Was Away on Business" (1985) with Moreno D'e Bartolli and "Zivot Je Lep" (1986). Lakovic next focused Lakovic's career on film, appearing in the drama "Slucaj Harms" (1988) with Franco Lasic, the Biljana Milenovic drama "Suncokreti" (1988) and the drama "Time of the Gypsies" (1990) with Davor Dujmovic. More recently, Lakovic acted in the Bajram Severdzan crime drama "Black Cat, White Cat" (1999).

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