Dave Hill
Actor Dave Hill was widely known for his presence on the silver screen. Hill's early acting career consisted of roles in various films, such as "Invitation to the Wedding" (1973) with Ralph Richardson, the musical "Flame" (1975) with Noddy Holder and the period drama "The Duellists" (1978) with Keith Carradine. He also appeared in the drama "Remembrance" (1981) with John Altman, the drama "The Draughtsman's Contract" (1982) with Anthony Higgins and the action film "The Border of Tong" (1985) with David Heavener. His passion for acting continued to his roles in projects like the Julie Walters comedy "Car Trouble" (1986), the Rod Zuanic comedy "Fast Talking" (1986) and the T Dan Smith documentary "T. Dan Smith" (1987). He also appeared in the Lynton Dearden drama "The Nature of the Beast" (1988). Additionally, he appeared on the television special "The Ice House" (PBS, 1997-98). Hill's distinctive voice can be heard on "American Dad" (2004-). Most recently, Hill wrote "Failosophy" (MTV, 2012-13).