Chesney Hawkes
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Chesney Hawkes built up his entertainment career by putting his musical skills to use in the world of Hollywood. Hawkes worked on a variety of projects during his early entertainment career, including "Buddy's Song" (1990) and "Doc Hollywood" with Michael J. Fox (1991). His music was also used in "Park" (2007) and "Moon" (2009) with Sam Rockwell. Hawkes's music was most recently fea...
Chesney Hawkes built up his entertainment career by putting his musical skills to use in the world of Hollywood. Hawkes worked on a variety of projects during his early entertainment career, including "Buddy's Song" (1990) and "Doc Hollywood" with Michael J. Fox (1991). His music was also used in "Park" (2007) and "Moon" (2009) with Sam Rockwell. Hawkes's music was most recently featured in the Jake Gyllenhaal action flick "Source Code" (2011).
Cast (Feature Film)
Prince Valiant
Stable Boy
Buddy's Song
Music (Feature Film)
Source Code
Song Performer
Song Performer
Doc Hollywood
Song Performer