Still image from the 1933 film King Kong.

King Kong

Directed by Merian C. Cooper

A film crew discovers the "eighth wonder of the world," a giant prehistoric ape, and brings him back to New York, where he wreaks havoc.

1933 1h 40m Horror/Science-Fiction TV-PG

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Merian C. Cooper, Director
Merian C. Cooper


Fay Wray, Ann Darrow
Fay Wray
Ann Darrow


Robert Armstrong, Carl Denham
Robert Armstrong
Carl Denham


Bruce Cabot, Jack Driscoll
Bruce Cabot
Jack Driscoll


Frank Reicher, Capt. Englehorn
Frank Reicher
Capt. Englehorn


Sam Hardy, Charles Weston
Sam Hardy
Charles Weston


Because he refuses to disclose any information concerning the exotic location of his upcoming movie project, Carl Denham, a renowned adventure filmmaker, is forced to search the streets of New York to find a lead actress. At a fruit stand, he stumbles onto the beautiful but broke Ann Darrow as she is about to steal an apple for her dinner. Anxious for work, Ann eagerly accepts Denham's part and agrees without question to make the long sea voyage the next morning. During the trip, Denham, who has refused to disclose his final destination even to the captain, Englehorn, makes screen tests of Ann, coaching her on how to scream and look terrified for the camera. At the same time, the mysogynistic first mate, Jack Driscoll, chides Ann for being a woman on a man's ship, but soon falls in love with her. As the boat enters tropical waters, Denham finally shows Englehorn a map detailing their exact destination--a tiny island dominated by a peak called Skull Mountain. When the boat reaches the island, Ann, Denham and the crew go ashore and discover natives engaged in a frenetic religious ceremony that features men dressed in gorilla skins and a young woman tied to an altar. While Englehorn attempts to make friends so that the camera-wielding Denham can shoot the scene, the native chief eyes the blonde Ann and states cryptically that she would make a good bride for "Kong." Nervous about the chief's interest in Ann, whose presence on the island Jack has vehemently proteste...

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King Kong (1933) -- Ben Mankie...
Hosted Intro
Dave Karger Intro
Hosted Intro
Alicia Malone Intro
Hosted Intro
Dave Karger Intro
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Hosted Intro

SYNOPSIS Carl Denham, an arrogant documentary filmmaker, organizes a trek into uncharted territory in the hopes of discovering a unique animal that he can capture, bring back to civilization, and exploit for profit. After hiring Ann Darrow, an attractive blonde, to help him on his mission, Denham leads his crew to mysterious, fog-enshrouded Skull Island where they encounter something tall, dark, and very hairy. Director: Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack Producer: Cooper & Schoedsack Screenplay: James Creelman, Ruth Rose Based on a story by Merian C. Cooper and Edgar Wallace Cinematography: Edward Linden, Vernon L. Walker, J.O. Taylor Editing: Ted Cheesman Art Direction: Carroll Clark, Al Herman, Van Nest Polglase Music: Max Steiner Cast: Fay Wray (Ann Darrow), Robert Armstrong (Carl Denham), Bruce Cabot (John Driscoll), Frank Reicher (Capt. Englehorn), Sam Hardy (Charles Weston), Noble Johnson (Native Chief), Victor Wong (Charlie), Jim Thorpe (Native Dancer), Madame Sul-Te-Wan (Handmaiden). BW-104m. Why KING KONG Is Essential Though he was just a series of animated models given life through special effects technology, Kong, with his doomed loved for Ann Darrow, has become one of the most famous of all movie characters, revived in remakes, sequels and rip-offs. He has become a part of contemporary culture as a symbol of both unleashed savagery and nobility brought down by greed. King Kong was the first of any kind to become a hit with an animate...

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{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "1","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "2","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "3","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "4","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "5","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "6","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},
 American Movie Posters from the movie 'King Kong'
King Kong
American Movie Poster..
{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Production art by Byron Crabbe depicting King Kong locked in battle with pterandon while holding Fay Wray as Ann Darrow.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|"},{"imgID": "1","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Production art by Byron Crabbe depicting Brontosaurus upending boat full of sailors, which as finally shot became a wooden raft. Note that the Ann Darrow character can be seen on boat, lower right!","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "2","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Production art by Byron Crabbe depicting King Kong loose in New York. Originally published in the Hollywood Reporter presentation issue on King Kong. ","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "3","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Byron Crabbe illustration depicting King Kong s bedroom visit with Mrs. Gary Cooper, aka Sandra Shaw as woman whom King Kong drops; Bottom left: photograph of Crabbe with David O. Selznick.","imgParticipants": "|SANDRA SHAW|DAVID O. SELZNICK|"},{"imgID": "4","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Key drawing by Byron Crabbe featuring Fay Wray as Ann Darrow, who cowers while King Kong fights tyrannosaurus rex.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|BYRON L. CRABBE|"},{"imgID": "5","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Production art by Mario Larrinaga depicting sailors being eaten by insects in pit which was filmed but removed (and lost) after preview audiences found it too gruesome.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "6","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Production art featuring King Kong breaking through gate behind fleeing sailors and natives.","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "7","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Production art depicting King Kong tossing sailors off of log bridge.","imgParticipants": "null"},
 Production Art from the movie 'King Kong'
King Kong
Production Art
{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Magazine illustration erroneously representing how special effects were created; Fay Wray as Ann Darrow featured at left.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|"},{"imgID": "1","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Magazine illustration erroneously showing how special effects were created.","imgParticipants": "null"},
 Magazine Illustrations on Special Effects from the movie 'King Kong'
King Kong
Magazine Illustration..
{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "1","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "2","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},
 Lobby Cards from the movie 'King Kong'
King Kong
Lobby Cards
{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Full BTS publicity shot of Fay Wray as Ann Darrow (in torn dress) and co-director/creator Merian C. Cooper measuring King Kong s footprint.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|MERIAN C. COOPER|"},{"imgID": "1","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium BTS publicity shot of co-director Merian C. Cooper, pipe-dreaming about King Kong s battle with tyrannosaurus rex.","imgParticipants": "|MERIAN C. COOPER|"},{"imgID": "2","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium BTS publicity shot of co-director Merian C. Cooper, pipe-dreaming about dinosaurs.","imgParticipants": "|MERIAN C. COOPER|"},{"imgID": "3","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium BTS publicity shot of co-director Merian C. Cooper, pipe-dreaming about King Kong for Fay Wray who plays Ann Darrow.","imgParticipants": "|MERIAN C. COOPER|FAY WRAY|"},
 Merian C. Cooper Publicity Stills from the movie 'King Kong'
King Kong
Merian C. Cooper Publ..
{"imgID": "0","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Fay Wray as Ann Darrow, Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham, and Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|BRUCE CABOT|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|"},{"imgID": "1","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Close-up publicity shot of Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham, wearing hat.","imgParticipants": "|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|"},{"imgID": "2","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Close-up publicity shot of Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll.","imgParticipants": "|BRUCE CABOT|"},{"imgID": "3","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Fay Wray as Ann Darrow and and Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|"},{"imgID": "4","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Full publicity shot of Fay Wray as Ann Darrow in torn dress.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|"},{"imgID": "5","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll and Fay Wray as Ann Darrow.","imgParticipants": "|BRUCE CABOT|FAY WRAY|"},{"imgID": "6","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll, Fay Wray as Ann Darrow, and Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham.","imgParticipants": "|BRUCE CABOT|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|FAY WRAY|"},{"imgID": "7","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll.","imgParticipants": "|BRUCE CABOT|"},{"imgID": "8","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Fay Wray as Ann Darrow, Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham, and Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll.","imgParticipants": "|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|BRUCE CABOT|FAY WRAY|"},{"imgID": "9","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham and Fay Wray as Ann Darrow.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|"},{"imgID": "10","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "11","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "12","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "null","imgParticipants": "null"},{"imgID": "13","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Publicity shot of Fay Wray as Ann Darrow and Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|BRUCE CABOT|"},{"imgID": "14","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "full publicity shot of Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham and Fay Wray as Ann Darrow.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|"},{"imgID": "15","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Close-up publicity shot of Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll.","imgParticipants": "|BRUCE CABOT|"},{"imgID": "16","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham and Fay Wray as Ann Darrow.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|"},{"imgID": "17","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Fay Wray as Ann Darrow clutching Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|BRUCE CABOT|"},{"imgID": "18","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll and Fay Wray as Ann Darrow.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|BRUCE CABOT|"},{"imgID": "19","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham and Fay Wray as Ann Darrow.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|"},{"imgID": "20","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Full publicity shot of Fay Wray as Ann Darrow wearing torn dress.","imgParticipants": "|FAY WRAY|"},{"imgID": "21","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll, Fay Wray as Ann Darrow, and Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham.","imgParticipants": "|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|FAY WRAY|BRUCE CABOT|"},{"imgID": "22","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham and Fay Wray as Ann Darrow.","imgParticipants": "|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|FAY WRAY|"},{"imgID": "23","imgSrc": "","imgDescription": "Medium publicity shot of Bruce Cabot as Jack Driscoll, Fay Wray as Ann Darrow, and Robert Armstrong as Carl Denham.","imgParticipants": "|ROBERT ARMSTRONG|FAY WRAY|BRUCE CABOT|"},
 Publicity Stills from the movie 'King Kong'
King Kong
Publicity Stills

The working titles of this film were The Eighth Wonder, The Beast and Kong. In the opening credits, the cast list is concluded with the billing "and King Kong (The Eighth Wonder of the World)." An "old Arabian proverb" is then quoted onscreen: "And the prophet said: 'And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And it stayed its hand from killing. And from that day, it was as one dead.'"
       The above cast list includes most of the featured bit players in the film, as indicated by daily studio production sheets, as well as selected names of the hundreds of extras who were used in the production. In many cases, actors played double or triple roles, and the above list May not indicate every part played by a given actor.
       Unless specified as coming from studio production files, studio memoranda, contemporary news items or reviews, the following information about t...

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