Cast & Crew
Peter Landesman
Ron Livingston
Austin Nichols
Chuck Huber
Gary Grubbs
Larry Dotson
Film Details
Technical Specs
Peter Landesman
Ron Livingston
Austin Nichols
Chuck Huber
Gary Grubbs
Larry Dotson
Chris Freihofer

Paul Giamatti
Glenn Morshower
Phil Shirey
Matt Barr
Robert Catrini
Marcia Gay Harden
Rory Cochrane
Jeffrey Schmidt
Sean Mcgraw
Drew Waters
Gary Clarke
Richard Dillard
James Badge Dale
John Taylor Phillips
Gil Bellows
Jackie Earle Haley
Jason Douglas
Zac Efron
Richard Jackson
Ellen Halper
Jimmie Dale Gilmore
Chamblee Ferguson
Mallory Moye

Colin Hanks
Bryan Batt
Rob Gallavan
Jonathan Breck
Brett Stimely
Dana Wheeler-nicholson
Irene White
Paul Sparks
Samuel Davis
Jeremy Strong
David Harbour
Jacki Weaver
Walt Roberts
Matthew Stephen Tompkins
Eugene Lee
Nico Evers-swindell
Bitsie Tulloch
Kat Steffens
Billy Bob Thornton
Tom Welling
Mark Duplass
Arthur Simone
Luci Christian
Barry Ackroyd
Holly Adair
Michael Adrian
Wes Ahl
Carol Aidoo
Sally Allen
Kevin Althans
Deva Anderson
Marc Andrus
Dean M Anselmo
Pete Anthony
Tobin Armbrust
John Arszyla
Hugh Aynesworth
Marc Baird
Donald Banks
Stephanie Baskin
Rodney Becker
Thomas E Bentley
Chia Berry
Ian Berryman
Brad Besser
Kelly Bogdan
Vicky Boone
Bruce Botnick
Rachel Bradley
Deborah Brock
Toni Cobb Brock
Jennifer Brofer
Jared Brower
Carlos V.r. Brown
Father Louis T. Brusatti
Maru Buendia-senties
Vincent Bugliosi
Duane Bunker
Lauren Burckhard
Jacenda Burkett
John Cann
Gabby Canton
Stephanie Rae Capizzo
Dale Carman
Kerry Carmean
Curly Cary
Lyn Caudle
Brenda Chambers
George Chavez
Nori Chia
Kyle Clark
Corbin Clem
Thomas Cole
Kay Colvin
Bridget M. Cook
Logan Cooper
Thomas B. Coopwood Ii
Charlie Coulter
Sam Craytor
Tracy Craytor
Scott A. Cremeens
Dustin Cross
April Crump
Eric Cunningham
Jason Cunningham
Amanda Curry
Bruce Curtis
Markus Czyzewski
Leila Dallal
Fred Daniel
Laura Davila
Christa Del Castillo
Terry Delacey
Catherine Demartino
Wes Dixon
Terri Douglas
Steve Drake
Derek Drewes
Oliver Driscoll
Clay Duncan
Guy East
Roger Eickenroht
Caity Engler
Sasha Esquivel
Brian Peter Falk
Gregory Faucett
Sven Faulconer
Melanie Ferguson
Mike Fischer
Mike Fleming
Paul Flinchbaugh
Claire Folger
Melissa Forney
Patrick Fortune
Robbie Friedmann
Hugo Garza
Nerses Gezalyan
Justin Gladd
Andy Glen
Eileen Godoy
Gary Goetzman
Michael Goetzman
William Goldenberg
Jeff Goldman
Wilberth Gonzales
Kayse Goodell
Scott Gordon
Lindsay Graham
Richard Grant
Kurt Graver
Manuel H Guizar
Dave Hage
Dick Hancock
Tom Hanks
Cate Hardman
Ashley Harkrider
Echo Harmony
Brad Haviland
Gary Hecker
Zach Heine
Heather Henry
Melody Herron
Pete Herzog
Robert Hicks
Mike Hitch
Allan Holder
Laura Holeman
Karen Holley
James Newton Howard
Don Howe Jr.
Matt Jackson
Bruce Jamieson
Janice Janecek
Lewis Jones
Will Kasson
Adam Kenitzer
Chris Khoeroghlian
Nancy Kirhoffer
Janis Knox
Peter Kolb
Leslie Kolter
Adam J. Korn
Steve A. Laks
Tony Lamberti
Ellen Lampl
Peter Landesman
Parker Laramie
Crystal Leal
Laychin Lee
Molli Leggitt
Curtis Lindersmith
David A Little
Joseph Lockwood
Andrea Longan
Jillian Longnecker
Jessica Lowe
Dave Macdonald
Anna Mackenzie
Alistair Mackie
Scott Magruder
Rowan Maher
Ron Mann
Mark Manthey
Michael Mattioli
David Mcaree
Keith Mccabe
David Mcmoyler
Raul Mello
David Menefee
Jeff Milburn
Matthew Miller
Michael Minkler
Jeremy Mohler
Josh Morehead
Phillip Moses
Jennifer Mosley
Larry Moss
Chas Naylor
C J Neels
Lonnie Nelson
Will Nicholson
Tyler Noel
Melissa Nyberg
Terrence Ogden
Ben Oliver
John O¿brien
Vincent Palmo
Christopher Patterson
Bill Paxton
Matt Payton
Michelle Pazer
Chuck Peil
Leola Perez
Kari Perkins
Sarah La Perle
Megan Petasky
Matt Pittman
Adele Plauche
John Patrick Pritchett
Eric Quijano
Nancy Rankin
Daniel Redd
Scott Reeder
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States October 4, 2013
Released in United States on Video November 5, 2013
Based on the book "Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy," written by Vincent Bugliosi and published by W. W. Norton & Company on May 15, 2007.
Limited Release in United States October 4, 2013
Feature directorial debut of Peter Landesman.
Released in United States on Video November 5, 2013