You're a Sweetheart
Cast & Crew
David Butler
Alice Faye
George Murphy
Ken Murray
Charles Winninger
Andy Devine
Film Details
Technical Specs

When a new Broadway show is scheduled to open the same night as a big benefit, producer Don King is worried that no one will come and the show will fail. Hal Adams, a waiter, suggests that Don create desire through unavailability by having a phony millionaire buy out the entire house so that star Betty Bradley will play only for him. Don thinks the idea is brilliant. He goes even further by buying out the theater for an entire week, hiring Hal to act as an oil millionaire from Oklahoma who is madly in love with Betty. He hires "Daisy" Day, a former football player, to act as Hal's bodyguard. Because Betty refuses to participate in any publicity stunts, Don does not tell her that Hal is a fake. Hal takes to his new role, spending money like a real millionaire, and wooing Betty, with whom he has really fallen in love. By the end of the week, Don has run out of money. He tells Hal that if he cannot pay his bills, the show will not open as scheduled. Meanwhile, Fred Edwards, a press agent whom Don fired, is trying to prove that Hal is a fake. Believing that it is just a matter of time before he is exposed, Hal disappears before the real opening night. Don also loves Betty, and realizing that she has fallen in love with Hal, he tells her about the stunt, pretending that he had nothing to do with it. His revelation does not change Betty's feelings, however, and she demands that he help her find Hal. Betty suggests that Don sell her his interest in the show in order to get the money to pay his debts. She then forges Hal's name to a contract for an advertising endorsement and takes the money to buy Don's interest. When Conway Jeeters, the advertiser, learns that Hal is only a waiter, he furiously confronts him, but Hal denies signing the contract in the first place. Betty explains what she has done, and Don tells Jeeters that if the show is a success, everyone will make money. After everything is straightened out, the show is a big success, and Don asks if he can be best man at Hal and Betty's wedding.

David Butler

Alice Faye

George Murphy

Ken Murray

Charles Winninger

Andy Devine

William Gargan
Frank Jenks
Frances Hunt
Casper Reardon

Donald Meek
David Oliver
Andrew A. Trimble
Edna Sedgwick
Bob Murphy
Renie Riano
Bobby Watson
The Four Playboys
Maidie And Ray
The Novelle Brothers
Mickey Bloom
Monte Brice
Lou Bring
Bernard B. Brown
Bernard W. Burton
B. G. Desylva
Charles Grayson
Charles E. Henderson
Joseph Lapis
Jimmy Mchugh
Murray Mencher
Jack Otterson
Charles Previn
Arthur Quenzer
Carl Randall
Richard H. Riedel
George H. Robinson
Charles R. Rogers
Ad Schaumer
Maxwell Shane
Frank Skinner
William Thomas
Charles Tobias
Warren Wilson

Film Details
Technical Specs

Award Nominations
Best Art Direction
The pre-release title was Young Man's Fancy. Ken Murray was a popular radio performer. Art director Jack Otterson was nominated for an Academy Award for his work on the film.