Young America
Cast & Crew
Louis King
Jane Withers
Jane Darwell
Lynne Roberts
William Tracy
Robert Cornell
Film Details
Technical Specs

Spoiled city girl Jane Campbell is furious when her widower father sends her to the rural town of Button Willow Valley to live with her grandmother, Nora Campbell. Jane and her black servant, Abraham, loathe their new surroundings, and while Abraham copes with Nora's helper, Pansy, Jane begins attending school. Jane's arrogance drives away all potential friends except for young David Engstrom, who nominates her for membership in the local chapter of the 4-H Club. Jane, who has never heard of the youth-oriented organization, is unimpressed when she learns how it promotes agricultural skills and good citizenship. Jane declines membership but changes her mind upon discovering that handsome Jonathan Blake is the club's president. Jane's interest in Jonathan dismays quiet Elizabeth Barnes, who is in love with him. Elizabeth's weak-willed father tries to comfort her by promising to buy her a purebred Hereford calf for her 4-H state fair project, but he instead loses her money in a poker game held by shady entrepeneur Earl Tucker. When Barnes tells Earl about his dilemma, Earl obtains a mixed-breed calf, then forges papers certifying its lineage. Elizabeth is delighted with her calf, which she names "Royal Jonathan II," and happily tends to him as the months pass. Jane also chooses a calf for her project and names it "King Blake the First." Pansy and Abraham, who have struck up a quarrelsome friendship, know that Jane is interested in 4-H only as a means to ensnare Jonathan in a romance, but Jonathan still courts Elizabeth. On the day of the fair, Jane has lunch with Earl, who intimates that she will win the contest because Elizabeth's calf is not purebred. Jane refuses to believe him but promises to buy his tractor with her prize money if she wins. Elizabeth wins, but Earl, desperate for the money, sends a telegram to the judges challenging Royal Jonathan's lineage. The calf's phony papers are exposed and Jane is declared the winner, but she is horrified by the proceedings, as Earl signed her name to the telegram. Barnes confesses all to his daughter, who protects him by refusing to explain the situation to the 4-H officials. Soon after, Elizabeth is suspended from the club, while Jane is ostracized by the other members for getting Elizabeth in trouble. Jonathan stands by Elizabeth, and the despondent Jane decides to return to the city. Before leaving, she sends Abraham to Earl's office to pay a bill, and while there, Abraham overhears two government agents question Earl about a man, Ivan Leslie, who is wanted for draft evasion. Abraham also overhears when a drunken Barnes tells Earl that he wants to reveal the truth about Elizabeth's calf. Abraham repeats the information to Jane, who captures the fleeing Earl and forces him to write a confession admitting full responsibility for the forged papers. The government agents then apprehend Earl, who is the draft dodger. Soon after, Elizabeth represents the club at a national 4-H meeting held in Washington, D.C., and says a fond hello to Jane and her fellow members during a radio broadcast.

Louis King

Jane Withers

Jane Darwell

Lynne Roberts
William Tracy
Robert Cornell

Roman Bohnen

Irving Bacon
Ben Carter

Louise Beavers

Darryl Hickman
Sally Harper
Carmencita Johnson
Daphne Ogden

Charles Arnt
Myra Marsh
Hamilton Macfadden
Hugh Beaumont
Charles Tannen
Arthur Loft
Don Forbes
Paul Burns
Conrad Binyon
Lester Dorr
Charles Wilson
Cliff Clark
Robert Emmett Keane
J. Anthony Hughes

Marie Blake
Lucien Andriot
Arthur Berthelet
Jasper Blystone
Lewis Creber
Richard Day
Samuel G. Engel
Arthur Von Kirbach
William Koenig
Harry M. Leonard
Thomas Little
Louis Loeffler
Glen Macwilliams
Paul Mantz
Cyril J. Mockridge
Sol M. Wurtzel

Film Details
Technical Specs

Following the film's opening credits is a written prologue that states, "The producers of Young America wish to express their gratitude and thanks to the Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard and his associates-to Mr. M. L. Wilson, Director of Extension Service of the Department of Agriculture, and to the thousands of 4-H Club leaders throughout the country, for their whole-hearted assistance and cooperation in making this motion picture possible." According to a Hollywood Reporter news item, Todd Karns was originally set to play "Jonathan Blake," but was beset by a "lip infection" and was replaced by Robert Cornell. Although Glen MacWilliams receives onscreen credits as the picture's director of photography, Hollywood Reporter production charts list Lucien Andriot as the photographer. A July 28, 1941 Hollywood Reporter news item noted that the picture would have a budget of approximately $500,000, and a May 16, 1941 Los Angeles Examiner news item reported that in June 1941 Jane Withers would be visiting the 1941 4-H club convention in Washington, D.C.