Wild Bill
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Walter Hill
Jeff Bridges
Ellen Barkin
John Hurt
David Arquette
Patrick Gorman
Film Details
Technical Specs
This Western tale chronicles the latter-day exploits of one of the Old West's most colorful true-life legends. Wherever Wild Bill Hickok goes, men want to be him, women want to love him, and some, trying to make their own name, want a piece of him. Bill knows his glory days are fleeting, but he is determined to end his days fighting, gambling, drinking and never backing down from a challenge. Calamity Jane, Bill's friend and sometime lover, is a legend of the Old West in her own right. Fiery and sexy, Jane has been hardened by a life in the American Frontier, but she's undeniably all woman.
Walter Hill

Jeff Bridges
Ellen Barkin
John Hurt
David Arquette
Patrick Gorman
Robert Knott
Marjoe Gortner
Karen Huie

Diane Lane
James Gammon
Keith Carradine
Christina Applegate
James Remar
Pato Hoffmann
Steve Reevis
Lee De Broux
Stoney Jackson
Greg Lynch

Bruce Dern
Michael Adams
Lloyd Ahern Jr.
Randle Akerson
Nicholas R Allen
Bunny Andrews
Lou Angelo
David A Arnold
Thomas Babe
Paula Barrett
Colby Bart
Eric J Bates
Bill W Benton
Brenda Berrisford
Eric Bice
Cynthia Black
Steve Blalock
Deborah 'cha' Blevins
Stephanie Bloch
Scott Boyd
Leah Brown
Gary Burritt
Steve Callas
Rick Canelli
Chris Carpenter
Michael Carrillo
John Casino
Carl Cassara
Casey Cavanaugh
Lawrence J Cavanaugh
Sean Cavanaugh
Mari-an Ceo
Michael Chavez
Lana Chirco
Ron Cicero
Carole Lee Cole
Anthony R Collier
James F Cornick
Danny Costa
Scott Crabbe
Mickey Cruz
Mike Cunningham
Gary Daigler
Gary Daigler
Chris David
Gordon Davidson
Freeman Davies
Vince Deadrick
Lois Dearmond
Anthony Delongis
Pete Dexter
Laurie Dodsworth
David Domeyer
Teri E. Dorman
Joe Dorn
Dallas Dornan
Mitchell S Drain
Kelly Dugan
Kimo Easterwood
Robert Easton
Mark Elias
Sam Emerson
Robert G Endara
Gary Fettis
Eric Fitzgerald
Al Fleming
Carmen Flores De Tanis
Mark Forbes
Kimberly A Gallagher-carlton
Susan Germaine
Katie Gilbert
David R Gold
Jennifer S Gottlieb
Allan Graf
Larry Gross
George Gugler
Dorie Halperin
Jerelyn J Harding
Paul David Harris
Rick Hart
Dion Hatch
Todd Hayen
Craig 'pup' Heath
Scott Hecker
D. M. Hemphill
Edouard F Henriques
Walter Hill
Desne Holland
Denise Horta
Christine Howard
Shawn Howell
Eric Hulett
Kurt Hulett
Patricia Jeffers
Carol Johnson
Rob M Johnson
Donald Kaeding
Barry Kellogg
Richard Klotz
Jeffrey D. Knott
Andy Kopetzky
Joe Kraft
David Kulczycki
Joyce Kurtz
Jeff Kushon
Dana J Kuznetzkoff
Robert Labonge
John Langellier
Thomas F Lappin
William Law Iii
Mark Lewer
Todd Lewis
Dennis Liddiard
Gary Liddiard
Richard Lorenzana
Susan M Lorenzana
Jesse Luna
Melissa Lytle
E Kelly Mahan-jaramillo
Clay Marsh
Paul Massey
Olman Mata
Murray Mcfadden
Bill Mcintosh
Caitlin Mckenna
Karen Mckinnon
Nick Mclean
Steve Mclean
Todd Mcmullen
Barry Mcqueary
Joseph P Mercurio
Chuck Michael
Joseph Middleton
Henry Millar
Thomas R Miller
Joe Montenegro
Bennie Moore
Dan Moore
John Morris
Candace Neal
Carla Nemec
Joseph Nemec
Mike Nichols
Philip Norden
Craig Nycz
Wayne Nycz
Edward O'connell
Thomas J. O'connell
Daniel Olexiewicz
Peter Olexiewicz
Lee Orloff
Lauren Palmer
Mark Pappas
Van Dyke Parks
Thomas A Payne
Vlad Pelinovschi
Rex Peterson
Jerry Pirozzi
Daniel M Plante
Jim Pratt
Patricia Pretzinger
Willie Radcliff
Matt Rebenkoff
Thell Reed
Robert Renga
Christine Rhodes
Shari Rhodes
Darin Rivetti
Steven Robertson
Jon Rosenbaum
Daniel Ross
Keith Roverud
Bret Rubin
Scott Rubin
Steve Rundell
Dan Savant
Jack Schlosser
Roger Schumacher
Steven Schwartz
Kenneth V Searle
Yoko Seto
Albert Shapiro
Sarah Shaw
Jesse Siono
John J Slatsky
Mike Stanwick
Chuck Stein
Bruce Steinheimer
Jeffrey D. Stevens
Lonnie Stewart
Mary Stuart
Robert L Thompson
Eric Tignini
James E Tocci
Neil Toussaint
Rudy Ugland
Michelle Watters
Bob Webb
Mike Wells
Felix Florian Werner
Webster Whinery
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter December 1, 1995
Released in United States on Video May 28, 1996
Released in United States 1998
Shown at Cinequest 1998: The San Jose Film Festival January 29 - February 4, 1998.
Completed shooting August 16, 1994.
Began shooting May 16, 1994.
Released in United States Winter December 1, 1995
Released in United States on Video May 28, 1996
Released in United States 1998 (Shown at Cinequest 1998: The San Jose Film Festival January 29 - February 4, 1998.)