Vigilantes of Boomtown
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
R. G. Springsteen
Allan Lane
Bobby Blake
Martha Wentworth
Roscoe Karns
Roy Barcroft
Film Details
Technical Specs

In 1897, after prizefighting is legalized by the Nevada legislature, the governor of Carson City announces that he will support a boxing match scheduled between fighters James John "Gentleman" Corbett and Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett, who now goes by the name Jim McVey, is a rancher and father of a grown daughter named Molly. Along with her henchmen, Curly and Jake, Molly criticizes the governor for his stance because she does not want her father to return to boxing. She then sends her men to stop the fight. Meanwhile, Jim talks with a group of men preparing a fighter to challenge Sullivan, the world champion. At the hotel, Molly learns that Jim has gone to see his old boxing manager, Billy Delany. The next morning at the training camp, Red sees Fitzsimmons arguing with Jim as reporters look on and mistakes the fracas for a sincere fight. When he attempts to stop them, they explain that they hoping to create some hype for the press. When Fitzsimmons solicits outlaws to come to the under-policed city, one man, McKean, joins up because he wants to even the score with Red. While Jim continues his training, Billy meets secretly with McKean and his men to plan their strategy. Later, Red and Jim spar in the ring, when the lights suddenly go out. Lurking outside, McKean fires at Red through the window. Mistaking McKean for one of Molly's henchmen, Red goes to the judge, Seth, who sets bail for Molly's men at $10,000. When Little Beaver reports that he has seen McKean and his men rustling cattle nearby, Red and Jim go to look for them, and Little Beaver follows. Red recovers the herd, but the rustlers chase Jim and Little Beaver into a cabin and surround them. The sheriff shows Red a picture of McKean, and he recognizes him as an outlaw he has arrested before. They announce their plan to ship the gambling money out in hay wagons, but fill the bags with iron washers instead of gold. Meanwhile, Molly's men kidnap Jim and plan to hold him at their mine until the fight has been canceled. In order to assure a good night's sleep for Jim before his fight the next morning, Red suggests that Jim take the bed inside the cabin, while he sleeps in the bunkhouse. That night, when Molly's men break in to kidnap Jim, they take Red by mistake. The next morning, Molly sees Jim warming up for the fight, and realizes that her men have kidnapped Red instead of Jim. Dink, who had been chosen to load the wagon with washers, tells McKean and the gang when the real gold transport will take place. Molly sets Red free so that he can stop the outlaws from getting away with the $25,000 in gold. McKean and his men attack the wagon, shoot Dink and get away with the money. Later, after Jim has zost the championship, Billy reminds him that there will be another fight soon.

R. G. Springsteen
Allan Lane

Bobby Blake
Martha Wentworth
Roscoe Karns

Roy Barcroft
Peggy Stewart
George Turner
Eddie Lou Simms
George Chesebro
Bobby Barber
George Lloyd
Ted Adams

John Dehner
Earle Hodgins
Harlan Briggs
Budd Buster
Jack O'shea

Film Details
Technical Specs

This film was very loosely based on the life of prizefighter James John "Gentleman Jim" Corbett. Corbett won the world heavyweight championship in 1892 and lost it to Bob Fitzsimmons in 1897. For more information about Corbett's life, please see the note to Gentleman Jim above. Modern sources include Tom Steele, Pascale Perry, Herman Nolan and Herman Hack in the cast. For additional information on the "Red Ryder" series, please consult the Series Index and see the entry above for Tucson Raiders.