Texans Never Cry
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Frank Mcdonald
Gene Autry
Mary Castle
Russ Hayden
Gail Davis
Film Details
Technical Specs

In the small town of Rio Diablo, a troop of Texas Rangers led by Sgt. Gene Autry come upon a commotion at rancher Dan Carter's place. Upon investigating, they discover that Tracy Wyatt, the secret head of an illegal lottery ticket ring, is attempting to collect an outstanding loan by forcing Carter and his family off their property. After Gene and the Rangers supply the payback amount, Gene learns from Mrs. Carter that Dan has been spending all his money on Mexican lottery tickets. Dan reveals he was tipped off about the lottery by Blackie Knight, a dealer at the local saloon, but when one of his ticket numbers came up, the ticket Blackie sold him was deemed counterfeit. Upon riding into town, Gene reports to Ranger captain Weldon, who introduces him to Mexican government representative Carlos Corbal, who suspects that the counterfeit Mexican lottery tickets are being manufactured and sold in Texas. Later, Gene stops by the saloon, where entertainer Rita Bagley tries to flirt with him, and picks up Blackie and his lottery tickets and takes him to Weldon. Corbal, however, pronounces Blackie's tickets authentic, and upon his release, Blackie reports to Wyatt that Corbal has instigated an investigation with the Rangers. Meanwhile, Gene and his partner, Pecos Bates, return to the Carter farm and collect Dan's remaining lottery tickets, which are proven counterfeit back at headquarters. Before Gene can take the tickets to Corbal, however, Wyatt's men begin a fight to divert the Rangers. When Corbal comes to his hotel window to find out about the disturbance, Wyatt shoots him without being noticed. After the melee, Gene follows Blackie to Dan's, where Blackie apologizes for the counterfeit tickets and returns Dan's money. After Blackie's departure, Dan's daughter Nancy expresses her concern about her father to Gene, who assures her that Blackie is guilty and will be arrested. Back in town, however, Sheriff Weems informs Gene and Weldon that there is not enough evidence to arrest Blackie and hard proof of the counterfeit operation must be found. Gene takes Dan's tickets to printer Frank Bagley, who verifies they have been printed on authentic ticket stock. At the saloon, Pecos observes Wyatt and Rita meet, and Wyatt asks Rita to charm Gene and slow the investigation. Wyatt's men refuse to take on Gene for fear of turning all the Rangers against them, and one henchman recommends sending for hired gun Steve Diamond. Unable to locate Gene, Pecos follows Wyatt and his henchman, Rip Braydon, to the abandoned McKutchin ranch, the location of the ticket printing operation. Aware that Pecos has observed them, Wyatt and his men hastily pack the equipment on wagons as Pecos rushes back to town to get Weems and the Rangers. The two groups meet on the road and a shootout ensues, but Wyatt and his men escape, while losing most of their printing equipment. As Wyatt sends for new equipment, Gene, riding in the desert, sees a rider being dragged by his horse, which has been frightened by a snake. Gene helps the stranger, who introduces himself as Steve Diamond. In Rio Diablo, Steve is taken aback when Wyatt informs him that Gene is his target, but accepts the assignment. Over the next several days, Steve strikes up a friendship with Nancy, while Rita continues her flirtation with Gene, who spends time with her, hoping to find out more information about the counterfeit ring. When Steve proposes to Nancy, however, she tells him that she cares for Gene. Later, Nancy asks Gene about Rita and he explains that he is seeing her only because he believes her father is involved in the ring. Soon, Gene receives evidence that Bagley is indeed fronting for Wyatt by purchasing the equipment. He and Weldon devise a scheme by which they will plant a story that the Rangers are leaving town briefly and Gene is taking a chartered stage to Austin. Wyatt orders Steve to finish his job and return to the McKutchin ranch with Gene's gun as evidence of the deed. Steve asks Gene for a ride on his stage, then holds him up and returns to the McKutchin place with Gene bound. When Wyatt questions Steve, he explains that he could not kill Gene on the road as everyone in town witnessed their joint departure. Wyatt prepares to kill Gene, who asks him about Corbal's murder. Before Wyatt can fire his gun, Steve shoots him and in turn is shot by Rip. Before he dies, Steve thanks Gene for saving his life earlier. The Rangers arrest the remainder of Wyatt's gang and bringing an end to the counterfeit ring.

Frank Mcdonald

Gene Autry

Mary Castle
Russ Hayden

Gail Davis
Richard Powers
Don Harvey

Roy Gordon
Pat Buttram
Michael Ragan
Frank Fenton
Sandy Sanders
John Mckee
Harry Mackin
Harry Tyler
Minerva Urecal
Richard Flato
I. Stanford Jolley
Duke York
Roy Butler
Gene Autry
Mischa Bakaleinikoff
William Bradford
Charles Clague
Carter Dehaven Jr.
Hank Fort
Oakley Haldeman
Norman S. Hall
Paul Mertz
George Montgomery
Armand Schaefer
Tim Spencer
James Sweeney
Josh Westmoreland

Movie Clip

Film Details
Technical Specs

Which one of you is a good hand at bees? You know, I got some startin' to swarm and I gotta get them in the hive.- Mrs. Carter
There's your man.- Gene Autry
That's all he did before he joined the Rangers.- Gene Autry
Bees? I don't even know my A's!- Pecos Bates
Copyright records and a Hollywood Reporter review indicate that the film was released in sepia. The print viewed was in black and white.