The Sword and the Rose

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Ken Annakin
Glynis Johns
Richard Todd
James Robertson Justice
Michael Gough
Jane Barrett
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Technical Specs

At Windsor Castle, King Henry VIII pits his wrestlers against those of the French court. The British are losing pitifully, and when Henry calls for volunteers, the only one to step forward is the low-born Charles Brandon, who is stopping in London on his way to the New World. Henry's sister, Princess Mary Tudor, persuades her brother instead to enter into competition her suitor, the Duke of Buckingham. Buckingham easily bests the French champion, after which Mary suggests that he wrestle Charles. Buckingham seems the clear victor until Charles rebounds with vigor, trouncing the duke and earning Mary's admiration. She convinces Henry to name Charles a Captain of the Guards, but when Charles visits her to deliver a message, she receives him coolly. He responds with impertinent teasing, further intriguing Mary, who deflects Buckingham's attentions in order to invite Charles to her chambers before her party that evening. There, Sir Edwin Caskoden, Master of the Revels, and Mary's lady-in-waiting, Lady Margaret, watch as Charles teaches Mary the latest French dance, called La Volta. However, when he comes to the part of the dance that involves lifting Mary off the ground, she is scandalized and refuses to continue. At Edwin's suggestion, Margaret takes her place, prompting Mary's envy. At the party, Buckingham spots Charles and challenges him to leave, until Edwin informs him that Mary invited Charles personally. Buckingham is further incensed when Mary chooses Charles as her dancing partner. Mary soon dares to suggest that they dance La Volta, and although Henry's wife, Queen Katherine, is horrified, Mary convinces Henry to enjoy the dance with her. Weeks later, Mary, disappointed that Charles spends all of his time hunting with Henry rather than wooing her, tricks Charles into accompanying her into a secluded forest glen. There, she commands him to recite poetry, and he responds with a sonnet that bemoans their disparity in rank. Ignoring his fears, Mary begs him to kiss her, and he is about to respond when Margaret calls them back to the castle. There, France's ambassadors are informing Henry that King Louis XII has agreed to a peace pact in exchange for Mary's hand in marriage. When they ask for 500,000 crowns as a dowry, the greedy Henry consents only after deciding to keep 100,000 for his personal coffers. When Mary refuses to join the men, Henry leads them to her room, where she frightens them off by greeting them without clothes. Mary orders Charles to meet her in the library, but learns from Edwin that Charles has left for the New World, via Bristol. Crushed, Mary disguises herself as a male page and races to Bristol to join Charles. He at first refuses to put her at risk by taking him with her, but soon acquiesces, swept away by his love for her. Despite his instructions on how to appear more masculine, when the boat captain insists that everyone throw their hat overboard for luck, her long hair is exposed. Mary and Charles are forcibly put ashore, where Henry's men await to imprison Charles in the Tower of London. Mary begs Henry to spare Charles, and he agrees only if she will marry the elderly, ailing Louis immediately. Cardinal Wolsey, however, counters that she is still too reluctant, prompting Buckingham, conniving for his own future, to suggest that Mary will be more compliant if she is allowed free rein to choose her second husband. Before being sent to Paris, Mary asks Buckingham to inform Charles that his life has been spared. During Mary's wedding celebration, she deflects the amorous attentions of Louis' son, Francis, while encouraging Louis to drink wine. As she has planned, Louis collapses, thus relieving her of her wedding-night duties. Back in England, Buckingham arranges for Charles to escape from the Tower, but then sends two thugs after him. When Charles hops aboard a rowboat, they stab him and throw him overboard, then report to Buckingham that he is dead. Meanwhile, Mary continues to reject the Dauphin and fatigue Louis, whose health declines until he is on his deathbed. Upon discovering that Francis plans to force Mary to marry him after Louis' death, Mary sends Margaret and Edwin back to England with a message to Buckingham, begging his protection. Buckingham travels to France to confront Francis, who, sure that Henry will return Mary to him in exchange for the 500,000 crowns, allows her to go back to England. After informing Mary that Charles has died, Buckingham stops their carriage at an inn, where he forces her attentions on her, declaring that her only chance to avoid marriage to Francis is to marry him right away. They are interrupted by Charles, who survived his attack and has been brought to France by Edwin. Charles locks Buckingham in a closet and races off with Mary and Edwin, but Buckingham and his soldiers follow, overtaking the trio later that night. Edwin fights the guards while Charles duels with Buckingham, finally stabbing the duke in the arm. He and Mary return to England, where Henry is admiring the chests full of gold sent by Francis. Henry would like to take the money, but Mary's tears, combined with Charles' suggestion that he keep the money as "a loan repaid," persuades the king to allow Mary to remain in England. Mary then reveals that she has already married Charles, whom she now urges Henry to name Duke of Suffolk. Frustrated with her wiles, Henry rushes out before she can demand her share of the gold.


Ken Annakin

Glynis Johns

Richard Todd

James Robertson Justice

Michael Gough
Jane Barrett

Peter Copley

Rosalie Crutchley
D. A. Clarke-smith
Ernest Jay
John Vere
Philip Lennard
Bryan Coleman
Phillip Glasier
Jean Mercure
Gerard Oury
Fernand Fabre
Robert Le Beal
Gaston Richer
Helen Goss
Patrick Cargill
Anthony Sharp
Caven Watson
Richard Molinas
Hal Osmond
Norman Pierce
Douglas Bradley-smith
Ewen Solon
Rupert Evans
Paddy Ryan
Thomas Heathcote
Arthur Brander
Russell Waters
John Serret
Bob Simmons
Hamilton Keine
Dr. Charles Beard
Peter Bolton
Joan Bridge
Alex Bryce
Carmen Dillon
Walt Disney
Peter Ellenshaw
David Harcourt
Cyril J. Knowles
Muir Mathieson
Dudley Messenger
David Paltenghi
Clifton Parker
Perce Pearce
Douglas Peirce
Gerald Thomas
Geoffrey Unsworth
Lawrence Edward Watkin

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Technical Specs

The Sword and the Rose

The Sword and the Rose
The film begins with the following written statement: "Windsor Castle, early reign of Henry VIII. The king is matching his English wrestlers against the champions of France." Although Richard Todd is listed first in the opening credits, he is listed second, after Glynis Johns, in the closing credits. Throughout the movie, various traditional Scottish songs are heard in the background.
As depicted in the film, Mary Tudor (1495-1533) was forced by her brother, King Henry VIII, to marry King Louis XII of France in order to promote an alliance between the two countries, and secretly married Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, after Louis' death. Most other historical details, however, were changed or fictionalized by the film, and many reviews pointed out the historical inaccuracies.
According to press materials, the film was three years in production, beginning with a full year of scriptwriting by producer Perce Pearce and screenwriter Lawrence Edward Watkin. Press materials also noted that technical advisor Dr. Charles Beard was an expert in chivalric manners and English history. Like the two previous live-action Disney films, Treasure Island (see AFI Catalog of Feature Films, 1941-50) and The Story of Robin Hood, both of which used many of the same crew members, The Sword and the Rose was shot entirely in England. A July 17, 1952 Hollywood Reporter news item stated that interiors would be shot at Pinewood Studios and location shooting done at Wilton Park, Beaconsfield.
A May 4, 1953 Hollywood Reporter article reported that King Features would distribute a cartoon serialization of the film in order to promote the picture's release. According to the Variety review, the film was "available with title cards suitable for widescreen projection."
Charles Major's novel When Knighthood Was in Flower, which was the basis for The Sword and the Rose, was adapted into a Broadway play that opened January 14, 1901. The book had previously been filmed in 1923 under the title When Knighthood Was in Flower. That version was directed by Robert G. Vignola, starred Marion Davies and was released by Paramount (see AFI Catalog of Feature Films, 1920-31).