Smoky Mountain Melody
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Ray Nazarro
Roy Acuff
Guinn "big Boy" Williams
Russell Arms
Sybil Merritt
"pappy" Cheshire
Film Details
Technical Specs

After the death of their father Jarvis, Joab and Kid Bruce Corby install an electric fence around the family's substantial fruit ranch and repel trespassers with an armed militia led by Saddle Grease, one of their ranch hands. Summoned to a reading of Jarvis' will, Roy Acuff, Jarvis' long-lost fiddle-playing nephew, slips under the fence and is promptly jailed by Saddle Grease. Upon learning Roy's fate, Mr. Crump, the family attorney, orders his release and Roy insists that his fellow cellmates, a band of itinerant musicians, be freed, too. Crump then reads the will, which appoints Roy executor of the ranch for a period of ninety days, after which Dr. Elliott Moffitt will determine its final disposition. Roy immediately throws open the gates to the fruit pickers and rescinds the martial law instituted by the Corby brothers. After Roy orders that the jail be transformed into a playroom for the pickers' children, Saddle Grease decides to teach him a lesson and takes him on a wild ride through the winding hills. When their truck flips over, Roy rescues Saddle Grease from the burning vehicle, thus earning his respect. Back at the ranch, a drunken Bruce accosts Mary Files, the Corby secretary, and when she denounces him as a spoiled brat, he decides to shoot up the town. After racing to town to quell the disturbance, Roy engages Bruce in a fistfight. Although Bruce throttles Roy, he runs away, humiliated by Roy's tenacity. Soon after, the ranch's fortune begins to soar when one of the pickers divines water on the property. Realizing that he is in danger of losing his inheritance, Joab decides to discredit Roy before Doc Moffitt makes his final decision. Enlisting Crump in his plot, Joab suggests that Roy incorporate a parcel of the land and sell shares to the neighboring ranchers as a right of way through the Corby property. After Roy sells $2,500 worth of stock to his neighbors, Crump notifies the attorney general of his actions. On the night of the big Halloween party, the attorney general arrives to arrest Roy for fraud. When Mary overhears his plan, she alerts Saddle Grease, who then locks the attorney general in jail. As Doc is about to announce his final decision, Crump accuses Roy of selling stock without first obtaining a permit. The attorney general is then released from jail, but when he opens the strongbox containing the transactions, all he finds is a pile of IOUs. As Roy never accepted money for the stock, he is therefore found innocent of fraud. Having turned the ranch into a benevolent community, Roy hands the property over to the Corbys and decides to join his musician friends on the road.

Ray Nazarro
Roy Acuff

Guinn "big Boy" Williams
Russell Arms
Sybil Merritt
"pappy" Cheshire

Fred Sears
Trevor Bardette
Carolina Cotton
Tommy Ivo
The Smoky Mountain Boys
Jacques O'mahoney
Lonnie Wilson
Peter Kirby
Jimmy Riddle
Joe Zinkan
Tommy Magness
John Elliott
Ralph Littlefield
Sam Flint

Eddie Acuff
Jack Ellis
Heinie Conklin

Olin Howlin
Roy Acuff
Mischa Bakaleinikoff
Robert Bilder
Paul Borofsky
Charles Clague
Colbert Clark
James M. Crowe
Paul Herrick
Paul Mertz
James Nicholson
Sandy Oliver
Fred Rose
Barry Shipman
Beasley Smith
Sid Soloman
Rex Wimpy

Film Details
Technical Specs