The Sergeant Was a Lady
Cast & Crew
Bernard Glasser
Martin West
Venetia Stevenson
Bill Williams
Catherine Mcleod
Roy Engel
Film Details
Technical Specs

Owing to an error in the Army's data-processing classification system, Cpl. Gale Willard, a young missile technician, is assigned to a Pacific island military base staffed by 125 WAC's. Until Washington issues new orders, Gale is given temporary duties by Judy Fraser, an attractive top sergeant. The WAC's are trying to prove that they are as effective as men in missile tactics, and they are in heated competition with an all-male base on another island some miles away. After causing a romantic upheaval in the women's camp, Gale is sent to the rival base to learn the "enemy's" secret tactics. He accomplishes his mission and helps the women win the missile-firing exercise. When his replacement arrives, the grateful WAC's give him a farewell party, and Sergeant Fraser promises to meet him again.

Bernard Glasser
Martin West

Venetia Stevenson

Bill Williams
Catherine Mcleod
Roy Engel
Gregg Martell
Chickie Lind
Jomarie Pettitt
Mari Lynn
Joan Barry
Francine York
Rhoda Williams
Doris Fesette
Lonnie Blackman
Ric Turner
Richard Emory
Jim Dale

Dan White
Hal Torey
John Mitchum
Mike Masters
George Bahr
William Bernds
Larry Butterworth
Doris Durkus
Robert Farfan
Bernard Glasser
Bernard Glasser
Joan Glasser
Thelma Hilborn
John F. Link
Hal Mcalpin
Buddy Messinger
Noel Parenti
Robert Petzoldt
William Stevens
Frank Sylos
Billy Vernon
Jack Willoughby

Film Details
Technical Specs