Raw Wind in Eden
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Richard Wilson
Esther Williams
Jeff Chandler
Rossana Podesta
Carlos Thompson
Rik Battaglia
Film Details
Technical Specs

Laura, a fashion model, returns to her Rome hotel room after a whirlwind photo shoot and is greeted by Wallace Drucker, the suave friend of her millionaire paramour, William Lathrop III. After informing Laura that William will never leave his wife, Wally invites her on a three-week party aboard the yacht of millionaire Axel Jenson. Bitter at William's continued rejection and concerned about her future prospects, Laura accepts, hoping to attract Jenson's interest. She and Wally fly to Majorca in Wally's private jet, but when a storm hits, they are forced to crash-land on a isolated Mediterranean island. The island's sole inhabitants are caretakers Marino Moore, Urbano and his daughter Costanza. Hearing the plane go down, Costanza rushes to the crash site, where Laura has escaped unscathed but Wally is injured by a a metal pin that pierces his thigh. Moore, who is at first reluctant to meet the newcomers, carries Wally into the house and there sutures his wound with fishing thread and a makeshift needle. Later, while Laura and Moore hoist her slip as a makeshift distress signal for passing boats, they are unmistakably attracted, causing both Constanza and Wally to grow jealous. Laura offends Moore, however, by offering payment for room and board, and later, tensions increase after Wally teases Moore about his teetotaling. That night, Laura notices that the flag has been removed and angers Moore with her accusation that he has tampered with it. Days later, Laura asks Moore why he remains on the deserted island, and although he responds politely, he offers no explanation. While they hoist a new slip, Laura explains her plan to attract Jenson, and although Moore holds her close to him, he chastises her for "putting her assets to use," thus causnig her to pull away. Later, she and Wally stumble upon a handsome but run-down yacht, and realize that Moore has deliberately beached it. Upon searching it, Wally discovers a Distinguished Service medal. He convinces Laura to ask Moore to lend the boat to them, and she in turn asks Urbano for help in convincing Moore. Moore readily agrees to let Laura and Wally sail out in his boat, which further confounds Laura after she notes that the slip has once again been taken down. Over the next few days, while Wally and Laura repair the ship, Wally offends Moore by offering to buy it, and Laura attracts the men's attention with her skimpy outfits. Wally grows suspicious of Moore as parts of the yacht's machinery mysteriously go missing, and dislikes him even more after Laura kisses Wally merely to make Moore jealous. One day, Laura sees Gavino, a local man who periodically sails a boat to the island to shoot at Moore, who returns his fire but deliberately avoids hitting him. Urbano then explains to Laura that Costanza has been promised to Gavino, who feels he must fight Moore over Costanza's affections. Soon after, upon hearing that Moore and Costanza are planning to swim around the island's point, Laura risks her life to prove she can do the same. After Moore chases after her and kisses her, Wally spies them and hits Moore with a piece of metal. Furious, Moore knocks him out and declares to Laura that he plans to remain a loner. Days later, Wally and Laura finish work on the boat, and at their farewell dinner, Moore and Laura exchange harsh words. Later, in disgust, Laura steals Moore's shotgun, and then comes across his old sailing log and reads that he is in reality Scott Moorehouse, a famous playboy who was suspected of murdering his young wife. While Wally tries unsuccessfully to seduce Costanza in the yacht, Laura confronts Moore, who explains that, as a World War II medic, he married a missionary's daughter and brought her to America. There, money, alcohol and Moore's own debauchery ruined her, and one day while they were sailing drunkenly, she fell overboard. Laura realizes that Moore has hidden himself away on the island in order to escape from his guilt, and accuses him of trying to ruin Costanza as he did his wife. The next day, Wally manages to get the yacht into the water, and there recalls that Moore had responded to his wife's death by donating his millions to charity hospitals in North Carolina. Although Wally is disdainful of Moore's actions, Laura finds them heroic, and asks Wally to return her to the island. He refuses, but when she then sees Gavino return and remembers that she has stolen Moore's only self-defense, she aims the shotgun at Wally. He grabs it, however, after which Laura dives into the ocean and swims back to the island. On the shore, Laura begs Costanza to choose Gavino and put an end to the fighting, but the younger woman spurns her pleas. Meanwhile, Wally approaches Gavino on his boat and trades Moore's shotgun for Gavino's rifle, after which Gavino chases the unarmed Moore into an abandoned castle nearby. While he and Moore fight, Laura swims back to Wally and tries to convince him not to shoot at Moore. Gavino almost overpowers Moore, but is distracted when Costanza calls his name, allowing Moore to tackle his rival. Urbano admonishes him to kill the right man for the right women, prompting Moore to free Gavino. When Urbano then urges Moore to go after Laura, Moore asks the older man why he took down the distress signals and sabotaged the yacht. Urbano reveals that Moore needed time to realize, through his attraction to Laura, that his place is not on the island but back in the real world. Moore borrows Gavino's boat and motors out to the yacht, where Wally has tied Laura to the mast and now shoots at Moore. The old rifle jams, however, and Moore easily throws Wally overboard. He then frees Laura, and together they set sail for North Carolina.

Richard Wilson

Esther Williams

Jeff Chandler
Rossana Podesta

Carlos Thompson
Rik Battaglia
Eduardo De Filippo
William Alland
Leslie I. Carey
Ray Evans
Russell A. Gausman
Joseph Gershenson
Alexander Golitzen
Jay Livingston
Dan Lundberg
Terence Nelson
Umberto Picistrelli
Hans J. Salter
Russell F. Schoengarth
Enzo Serafin
Tom Shaw
Shubert Of Rome
Bud Westmore
Elizabeth Wilson
Elizabeth Wilson
Richard Wilson
Alfred Ybarra

Film Details
Technical Specs

I mean to say, this is the first time I've been torn between loyalty and honesty.- Wally Drucker
Don't torture yourself, Mr. Drucker.- Laura
I have a remedy for what ails you. One raw sardine swallowed whole with goat's milk.- Urbano Varno
Iiiish! Thanks, I'll skip breakfast.- Laura
The working title of this film was The Islander. Director Richard Wilson co-wrote the film with his wife, Elizabeth. Their onscreen credits reads: "Screenplay by Elizabeth and Richard Wilson." According to a August 4, 1957 New York Times article, Raw Wind in Eden was shot on location on the Tuscan coast of Italy, near the village of Castiglione della Pescala. The Motion Picture Herald review mistakenly states that the film revolves around "Laura's" stranded yacht, which is joined and fixed by "Marino Moore" after he wrecks a plane. The Hollywood Reporter reviewer asserted that the film's only interest lay in the rumored romance between Jeff Chandler and Esther Williams during production.