
1h 17m 1938

Brief Synopsis

A Gypsy band takes lots of stuff but always in a good cause. Led by Jane Withers, they pick up a socialite (Hundson) who has amnesia. She works as a fortune teller and raises enough money for an operation to regain her memory.

Film Details

Also Known As
Gypsy, Little Dynamite, Little Gypsy
Release Date
May 20, 1938
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.
Distribution Company
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 17m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length
6,900ft (8 reels)


After a gypsy caravan is chased out of a town, they pitch camp on the road and prepare "Mulligan stew" with the vegetables that were thrown at them as they left. When Gypsy, a rambunctious adolescent, whines that she wants meat, Gino, her thieving pal, and his gang capture a goose. During the meal, Tony, an ex-Yale football player, who has traveled with the gypsies since his marriage broke up because of his wife's unfaithfulness, rebuffs the flirtations of Stella, the fortune-teller. Just then, a woman in a fur coat at the top of a hill faints and falls. When the police arrive and order the gypsies off private property, Tony hides the woman in his wagon. As they travel on, the woman revives and says that she cannot remember anything except that she was running away. Although Tony is skeptical of her story and cynical of her "type," Gypsy welcomes the woman, whom she calls her "Rawnie," which means "lady" in the Gypsy language, and teaches her how to tell fortunes. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Adams, a wealthy couple, learn that police have found the wrecked car belonging to their daughter, who vanished just before her wedding was to take place. The police think that the daughter ran away to avoid marrying fortune-hunting Baron Von Brun. After Gypsy introduces Rawnie to patrons as the world's greatest gypsy fortune-teller, Stella, jealous, starts a fight. When Tony pulls Rawnie off Stella, she bites him. That night, when Rawnie goes to Tony's tent to apologize, Gypsy encourages the others to play romantic music. Tony insults Rawnie and she slaps him. He pushes her out of the tent; however, when he sees Stella throw a knife at her, he rushes to Rawnie and kisses her passionately. After the gypsy camp is put into quarantine because of an outbreak of mumps, Gypsy and Rawnie sneak out to make money in town to buy food. When a man accuses Rawnie of taking his tie pin and calls the police, Gypsy and Rawnie run, and Rawnie is hit by a laundry truck. After the doctor suggests that a previous blow at the back of her head may have been the cause of her amnesia, Tony finally believes that Rawnie has been telling the truth and has not just been using them to avoid another situation. The doctor states that an operation might restore Rawnie's memory, but that afterward, she might have no memory of the period during her amnesia. Despite Gypsy's plea that they not risk this, Tony makes plans to raise the money. After Gypsy convinces a specialist to do the operation, Rawnie at first does not want it because she has been happy with the gypsies and knows that there must have been something frightening in her past from which she ran away. Tony convinces her; however, when Gypsy goes to see her after the operation, she does not recognize her. Soon Tony reads in the newspaper that Rawnie, identified as Margaret Adams, is going to marry Baron Von Brun. Although Gypsy tries to encourage Tony to steal her away, he refuses. Gypsy then goes to the Adams house and tells Mrs. Adams that her daughter has a gypsy husband, who is irate and skilled at throwing knives. Gypsy is then locked into a room, as is Gino, who has tried to impersonate the husband. They send a pigeon back to their camp with a message, and Tony leads the gypsies to the house, where they disrupt the wedding. Gypsy has Gino play romantic gypsy music, and Margaret, recognizing Tony, says his name and kisses him. Gypsy then arranges for them to be married.

Film Details

Also Known As
Gypsy, Little Dynamite, Little Gypsy
Release Date
May 20, 1938
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.
Distribution Company
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 17m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length
6,900ft (8 reels)




The working titles of this film were Gypsy, Little Gypsy and Little Dynamite.