The Pal from Texas

56m 1939

Film Details

Release Date
Nov 1, 1939
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Metropolitan Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
State Rights
United States

Technical Specs



Bob Barton and his pal, Texas Malden, are reaping rich returns from a strip of land they leased to miners working gold claims. On the day that Texas's niece Alice is to arrive, Texas gets drunk at The Tavern, which is owned by Ace Brady. Bob intervenes in time to prevent Texas from being swindled, but later Texas is shot and killed in his ranch house by Joe Fox, a henchman of Brady. When Alice arrives, she is met by Ace,who tells her that Bob is her uncle's killer. As a result, Bob is charged with Texas' murder and is hunted by the law. He tries to tell Alice the truth, but she refuses to believe him and does her best to trap Bob. Just as Bob is cornered, he escapes and rides away. Soon afterward, Ace induces Alice to give him power of attorney, and when Bob overhears Ace tell Fox his plans to collect due money from the miners, he determines to foil the conspirators. When Fox steals the power of attorney document and starts for the ranch, Ace pursues and shoots Fox, who then wounds Ace. A sheriff's posse on Bob's trail finds Ace, who names Fox as Texas's murderer. Bob reaches the Malden ranch in time to intercept Fox, whom he knocks senseless. With his innocence established, Bob wins Alice.

Film Details

Release Date
Nov 1, 1939
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Metropolitan Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
State Rights
United States

Technical Specs





This picture was not reviewed in trade sources and was not copyrighted. Modern sources credit Fred Bain as editor.