Outcasts of the Trail

59m 1949

Brief Synopsis

Lavinia White (Jeff Donnell) and her young brother Chad (Tommy Ivo) are shunned by the townspeople of Twin Wells because their father Tom (John Gallaudet) is serving the last part of a long prison sentence for robbing the Rysen Company of $100,000. Their only friends are Doc Meadowlark (Paul Hurst) and Pat Garrett (Monte Hale), who is employed by the Rysen Transportation Company. When released, Tom is determined to return the money...

Film Details

Release Date
Jun 8, 1949
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Mono (RCA Sound System)
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1


As the townspeople of Twin Wells, Nevada, gather outside Rysen's Express Company to celebrate the Fourth of July, Lavinia "Vinnie" White and her brother Chad decide to ignore the objections of their aunt, Mrs. Rysen, and enter a buckboard race. When Vinnie meets one of her competitors, stagecoach driver Pat Garrett, she is unaware that some time ago, his court testimony helped send her father, Tom "Ivory" White, to prison for robbery. After Pat wins the race, Ivory's old henchman, Jim Judd, decides to pay him a visit in prison. There, Jim insists that he is entitled to a portion of the $100,000 that Ivory has stashed away. When Ivory says he plans to turn the money over to the sheriff, Jim threatens to harm Vinnie. Some time later, when townsman Elias Dunkenscold learns that a man named George Davis is expecting $100,000 to arrive soon, he suspects that the man is actually Ivory. Jim then persuades his henchman to attack Pat, who is to act as the shipment's escort. After they leave Pat to die on the plain, he is rescued by his friend, dentist and barber "Doc" Meadowlark. Later, after Jim threatens Chad's life, Vinnie agrees to help him. They attack the stagecoach on which "George" is a passenger, and Vinnie recognizes her father. Pat halts the runaway stage, and Ivory explains that he returned the money after his recent release from jail. Later, Vinnie's uncle, Horace Rysen, informs Ivory that a lien has been placed against his ranch. When Elias tells Jim that the $100,000 is still inside the express office, they decide to steal it. As Elias and Jim rob the office, Pat and the sheriff hear shots fired from inside and rush to the rescue. The sheriff quickly deputizes Pat, just before dying of his wounds. Meanwhile, at Ivory's ranch house, Elias secretly removes the money from a bag and places it into his pocket. When Pat arrives, Ivory agrees to help him search for the money. They go outside, and after Pat finds the empty bag on the ground, a few feet from the door, Ivory surrenders. Just then, Elias fires his gun at Vinnie, who has entered the barn. After Doc arrives, Vinnie is taken into town, where she tells Jim that she will refuse to help Pat. Later, Pat and Doc try to question Jim, but he kidnaps Chad and escapes in one of Rysen's wagons. Pat jumps aboard the wagon and begins fighting with Jim and Elias, when a gunshot ignites a box of explosives inside the wagon. Pat and Chad dive off just as the wagon explodes, killing Jim. After Pat determines that Ivory is innocent of all charges, Mrs. Rysen apologizes for doubting him.

Film Details

Release Date
Jun 8, 1949
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Mono (RCA Sound System)
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1




Although Pat Garrett was a character in this film, the events depicted in the plot are unrelated to his life. Hollywood Reporter production charts include Lane Bradford in the cast, but his appearance in the released film has not been confirmed. Modern sources also include Tom Steele and Hank Bell in the cast.