My Gal Loves Music
Cast & Crew
Edward Lilley
Bob Crosby
Alan Mowbray
Grace Mcdonald
Betty Kean
Walter Catlett
Film Details
Technical Specs

Judy Mason and Peggy Curtis, a song and dance duo, become stranded with Peggy's uncle, Dr. Artimist Bilbo, when his medicine show goes broke after it mistakenly arrives in the health-conscious home of the Spoonyer's Vitamins Company. As Judy desperately needs money to pay her younger brother's school tuition, she agrees to participate in one of Bilbo's schemes by pretending to be a fourteen-year-old named Judy Curtis and entering a radio contest sponsored by the vitamin company. Judy wins the contest and travels by train to New York with her "mother" and "uncle," as well as vitamin king Rodney P. Spoonyer and Mel Murray, a singer and band leader. Later, Judy becomes upset when Bilbo signs her to a one-year contract with Spoonyer to do her own radio show, as she has fallen in love with Mel. That night, when the "grown-ups" go out to a nightclub, Judy sheds her disguise and meets the group at the club, where she poses as her own youthful cousin, and hires Montague Underdunk, an escort, to pretend to be her wealthy Texan fiancé. She arranges for Mel to rescue her from Montague, and he is immediately attracted to her. Complications arise, however, when Mel tries to take both the adult Judy and her teenage "cousin" to the zoo. Mel finally makes a date with the adult Judy, but Peggy insists on coming along as her youthful cousin "Margaret." Mel brings Rodney along as well, and the vitamin man insists that the teenage Judy and her mother join them for dinner. Clarence, the contest's runner-up, discovers their ruse, and threatens to turn the three in unless they arrange for him to take Judy's place on the radio broadcast. Bilbo, however, stuffs the young boy with so much food that he develops stomach cramps and is unable to perform. Recovering quickly, the resilient Clarence arrives at the radio station just as Judy's performance ends and exposes the entire charade. The hoax generates national headlines, after which Judy disappears. Later, Bilbo and his medicine show are in Texas, where Bilbo, Judy and Peggy are arrested as "gypsies." The judge they are brought before, however, is Rodney in disguise, and the three are tricked into signing a radio contract with the vitamin company. Judy and Mel are finally united, as are Peggy and Rodney, who has just taken one of Bilbo's potent vitamin pills.

Edward Lilley

Bob Crosby

Alan Mowbray
Grace Mcdonald
Betty Kean

Walter Catlett

Freddie Mercer
Paulina Carter
Tom Daly
Gayne Whitman
Earle Hodgins
Rudy Wissler
Jack Gardner
Clifford Holland
Carl Jones
General White
James Shaw
Bonnie Jean Tait
Dick Hirbe

Billy Benedict
Jerome Sheldon
Roy Darmour

John Hamilton
Chester Clute
Billy Newell
Jimmy Lucas
Harry Barris
Bernard B. Brown
Everett Carter
Eugene Conrad
Edward Dein
William Fox
John P. Fulton
Victor A. Gangelin
Clarence Gaskill
Russell A. Gausman
John B. Goodman
Abraham Grossman
Patricia Harper
Inez James
Edward Lilley
Sidney Miller
Hal Mohr
Paul Neal
Len Powers
Milton Rosen
Russell Schoengarth
Melville Shyer
Vera West
Edwin L. Wetzel

Film Details
Technical Specs

The working title of this film was My Baby Loves Music. While Betty Kean's character is identified as "Peggy Quinn" in the onscreen credits and contemporary sources, she is clearly called "Peggy Curtis" in the film. According to Hollywood Reporter news items, Bernard W. Burton was replaced as associate producer by Edward Lilley, who also directed the film. Hollywood Reporter news items also include Bobby Barber in the cast, but his participation in the released film has not been confirmed.