The Human Side
Cast & Crew
Edward Buzzell
Adolph Menjou
Doris Kenyon
Charlotte Henry
Reginald Owen
Joseph Cawthorn
Film Details
Technical Specs

During his long professional career, Gregory Sheldon has produced nothing but theatrical flops financed by and starring his mistress, actress Alma Hastings. Alma believes that the failure of the plays is due to the fact that Greg is still so in love with his ex-wife Vera that he cannot keep his mind on his work. Greg, on the other hand, is sure that Alma's bad acting is to blame and insists that he only continues to see Vera for the sake of their four children, Lucille, Bobbie, Tom and Phil. Upon his return to New York after his most recent out-of-town failure, Greg receives a warm welcome from his children. They tell him that Vera has gone out with a friend, wealthy James Dalton, who wants to marry her. After Dalton brings Vera home, Greg finagles an invitation to dinner and is having a wonderful time with his family when Alma suddenly arrives. Finding her suspicions confirmed, Alma breaks off her affair with Greg. Greg, however, is unwilling to lose his financial backer and sends her a play called The Princess and the Yodeler . Because the manuscript is written in German, he tells her the story, thereby convincing her to star in and finance another play. As usual, the critics hate the play and Alma receives terrible notices, which sparks a public quarrel that is scandalous enough to make the newspapers. The children's school friends tease them unmercifully about their father, and they vow never to return to their schools. Vera, who has also seen the story, announces her engagement to Dalton, but Lucille realizes that her mother does not really love Dalton and only wants to marry for the sake of her children. The children enlist Greg in their plot to break up Vera's engagement. Greg moves into the apartment, begging Vera to take him back. She refuses and makes Greg sleep in Phil's room, but the next morning when Dalton arrives, Greg tells him that he and Vera have reconciled. In the meantime, Alma lodges a complaint against Greg for battery and he is arrested. Vera still intends to go through with her marriage to Dalton, but when she learns that he plans to send the two oldest children to boarding school and has planned a minute-by-minute schedule for the other two, she tears up the marriage license and decides that she will find another way to make ends meet. Vera is in the midst of selling the family's furniture before sending the children to live with their aunt Martha, when Greg announces that he has been asked to do a play in California and wants to take the whole family with him. Vera happily reconciles with Greg.


Edward Buzzell

Adolph Menjou

Doris Kenyon

Charlotte Henry

Reginald Owen

Joseph Cawthorn
Betty Lawford

Dickie Moore
George Ernest
Dick Winslow
Sam Mcdaniels
Wade Boteler
Harry C. Bradley
George Kirby
Richard Powell
Jack Mulhall
Leland Hodgson
Charles C. Wilson

Eddie Kane
John Sheehan
Ara Haswell

Lew Kelly
Lois January
Ann Darling
Ward Bond West
Arthur Stuart Hull
Bernadine Hayes
Lew Phelps
E. M. Asher
Norbert Brodine
Edward Buzzell
Frank Craven
Jerry Horwin
Gilbert Kurland
Carl Laemmle
M. F. Murphy
Vic Noerdlinger
Ernest Pascal
Maurice Pivar
Gertrude Purcell
Jean Raymond
Dave Selman
Harrison Wiley
Maurice Wright

Film Details
Technical Specs

The synopsis and credits were taken from a studio cutting continuity.