Here Comes Cookie
Cast & Crew
Norman Mcleod
George Burns
Gracie Allen
George Barbier
Betty Furness
Andrew Tombes
Film Details
Technical Specs

Millionaire Harrison Allen is determined that his daughter Phyllis does not marry her fortune-hunting beau, Ramon del Ramos. Harrison and his secretary, George Burns, draw up a document in which Harrison temporarily signs over his fortune to his other daughter Gracie, who calls herself "Cookie," for a period of sixty days, in order to prove Ramon's avarice. While Harrison goes back to his hometown for a vacation, witless Gracie takes her father's farce to heart and proceeds to destroy his fortune and his home. She cuts George's salary, refuses to send her father any money, and destroys everyone's clothes so they will look like tramps. While the butler, Botts, George and Phyllis slowly starve, they also lose their sleep because Gracie turns the mansion into a no-cost boardinghouse for hundreds of out-of-work actors and their animals. When Ramon realizes that Gracie has all the money, he pursues her, and she naively decides to marry him. Spirits reach an all-time low when Botts finds it preferable to sleep on a park bench, rather than compete with an actor for a bed. At his wits end, Botts sells a trained seal to raise enough money to send Phyllis to Clarksville and retrieve her father. Meanwhile, Gracie is tearing down the inside of the mansion to construct a theater. She plans to stage a show that will do so poorly, that the family will be broke and Harrison will let her marry Ramon. Since Gracie has sent no money, Harrison and Phyllis are forced to hitchhike part of the way home. They arrive in a taxicab, owing the driver over one hundred dollars, on the opening night of "Gracie Allen's Flop," but are refused admittance. They sneak into the mansion and stumble on stage during Gracie's unintentionally comic balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet . George brings telegrams from Hollywood with offers to hire Gracie as a producer, because her show is a big success. At Harrison's insistence, George agrees to marry Gracie, but only on condition that while she is on the West Coast, he is in the East.


Norman Mcleod

George Burns

Gracie Allen

George Barbier

Betty Furness
Andrew Tombes
Rafael Storm

James Burke
Lee Kohlmar
Milla Davenport
Jack Powell

Irving Bacon
Frank Darien
Del Henderson
Harry Holman
Jack Duffy
Duke York
Edward Gargan

Arthur Housman
Jack Henderson
Clarence Neal
James Quinn
William J. Irving

Richard Carle
Eddie Dunn
George French

Bill Franey
Bobby Dunn
Walter Long
Larry Mcgrath
Oliver Cross
George Burton
Harry Depp
Eddie Lee
Cosmo Kyrle Bellew
Syd Saylor
Paul Kruger
Larry Steers
Henry Mowbray
Chuck Hamilton
Charles Morris
Arthur Stuart Hull
George Pease
Jeannette Warren
Cal Norris And Monkey
Jester And Mole
Jack Cavanaugh And Partner
Six Olympics
Seymour And Corncob
Moro And Yaconelli
Johnson And Dove

Big Boy Williams
Pascale Perry And Partner
Six Candreva Brothers
The Buccaneers
Campbell Mcbride
Helen Dickson

Film Details
Technical Specs

Early scripts in the Paramount story files at the AMPAS Library are titled Soup to Nuts. The Big Boy Williams in the cast is not to be confused with the western star Guinn "Big Boy" Williams. The "Flugsnort" characters were called "Dingledorp" in Motion Picture Herald and the pressbook. "Jester and Mole," a bicycle act, consisted of Joe and Jesta Mole; the "Six Olympics," acrobatic tumblers, are Billy and Ray Rivas, Ben Chavez, Armando Valdez, Harold Dexter and Al Kennan; "Moro and Yaconelli" are Nick Moro and Frank Yaconelli; "Johnson and Dove" are Duke Johnson and Ray Dove.