Gay Blades
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
George Blair
Allan Lane
Jean Rogers
Edward Ashley
Frank Albertson
Anne Gillis
Film Details
Technical Specs

Mammoth Studio head J. M. Snively is desperate to cast the lead role in his production, The Behemoth , and promises his overworked, top talent scout, Nancy Davis, a promotion if she discovers a new star for the part. Nancy and studio representative Theodore Brinker travel across the country searching, but after several weeks with no results, Nancy is about to give up when she accidentally meets Rustlers hockey star Andy Buell in Duluth. Nancy offers him the part in Snively's production, but Andy is more interested in asking her for a date. Nancy accompanies Andy to a party at the home of his teammate, Frankie Dowell, and his wife Helen and again tries to interest Andy in signing a movie contract. Andy confides that he has always longed to be an architect and that a prestigious firm has offered him a design opportunity and will allow him to play hockey, which he claims is essential for his volatile temper. Nancy is resigned to losing Andy, but Ted confesses he has already wired Snively that the hockey star has been signed, so she cannot give up. Meanwhile, the Rustlers' coach "Mac" McManus is unhappy with Andy's growing interest in Nancy, as it is causing his play with the team to suffer. Nancy ultimately gets Andy to sign the contract by playing upon his feelings for her. Andy then begins movie star grooming during the day while still playing hockey by night, but the Rustlers fall into a losing streak and the fans turn against him. As time passes, Snively anxiously awaits Andy's test footage, but the athlete's acting lessons go poorly until Nancy finally intervenes. Andy's screen-test is a success and Snively plans an enormous publicity campaign to launch production of the film. At the same time, Mr. Whittlesey, head of the architectural firm, invites Andy to his office to ask him to begin his work with the company, but when Andy tells him about the movie contract, the architect withdraws the job offer. Andy responds by going on a drunken rampage, and Mac must bail him out of jail in time for the next game. Andy's continued recklessness during the game results in Frankie getting seriously injured. As Andy and the team await news of Frankie's condition at the hospital, Snively arrives in town to begin the publicity campaign. Although upset about Frankie, Andy feels obliged to attend Snively's promotional party, but Helen shows up to berate Andy for his irresponsible behavior. Guilty over her role in getting Andy involved with Mammoth, Nancy secretly visits Whittesley and pleads in vain for him to take Andy back. Meanwhile, Andy meets Ted at a bar and confesses he is only staying with the movie production because of the contract, prompting Ted to burn the only copy of the contract. The next day at the hospital, Frankie recovers due to a critical transfusion provided by Andy. At the Rustlers' game that night, Snively, Nancy and Mac all anxiously await Andy, who fails to turn up until the third period. When Andy skates out on the ice and is loudly booed by the crowd, Snively is horrified and fires Nancy, then calls off production of the film. Unknown to Andy, Nancy has gone to Whittesley's wife and convinced her to bring her husband to the game. After Whittesley witnesses Snively's announcement, he agrees to take Andy back. Nancy cheers Andy on as he leads the Rustlers to victory.

George Blair
Allan Lane

Jean Rogers

Edward Ashley

Frank Albertson

Anne Gillis

Robert Armstrong

Paul Harvey

Ray Walker

Jonathan Hale

Russell Hicks

Emmett Vogan
Edward Gargan

Nedrick Young
George Brown
Ossie Asmundson
John Wald
Pat Gleason
Charles Sullivan
Estelle Etterre
Jay Presson
Merrill Rodin
Teddy Infuhr
Roy Butler
Michael Palmer
Bob Spencer
Tom Quinn
James Linn
John Duncan
David Reed
Rod Bacon
Larry Steers
Bert Moorhouse
Tom Chatterton
Matt Mchugh
Jayne Hazard

Marian Martin

Larry Williams

Billy Benedict
Billy Bletcher
Helen Talbot
Ruth Brennan

Mary Mccarty
Ossie Asmundson
Albert Beich
George Blair
William Bradford
Dale Butts
Thomas A. Carman
Gano Chittenden
Harry Keller
Marcel Klauber
Howard Lydecker
Theodore Lydecker
Bob Mark
Tony Martinelli
John Mccarthy Jr.
Joseph Novak
Adele Palmer
Lewis Physioc
Armand Schaefer
Gordon Schaefer
Morton Scott
Fred Stahl
John Stransky Jr.
Charles Thompson
Howard Wilson

Film Details
Technical Specs

Although a Hollywood Reporter news item announced that Audrey Ann Asmundson, the eight-month-old daughter of technical advisor and hockey expert Ossie Asmundson, debuted in the film as "Frankie Dowell's son," her appearance could not be confirmed. Asmundson was a former hockey star and manager-coach for the Hollywood Wolves. According to June 1943 news items, Republic planned to produce an ice operetta titled Gay Blades starring Vera Hruba and Everett McGowan's "International Ice Review;" that was not made, however. This film was broadcast on television under the title Tournament Tempo, the title on the viewed print.